Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Communicable Vs Non Communicable Disease : What are the Characteristics and Exposure Types

Poor environmental quality has its greatest impact on people whose  health status  is already at risk . In the year 2016 ; 1 in 2  U.S children and 1 in 2 U.S adults suffered from Asthma ( Healthy People 2020, 2018) . Asthma is an example of a Non communicable disease ,some of the other existing Non communicable diseases are as follows (1) Diabetis (2) Asthma (3) Cardiovascular Disease , and (4) COPD .  When these diseases are not well managed they can become Chronic disease and have a detrimental financial burden on the U.S economy .  The World Economic Forum estimates that future NCDs growth trends could cost the Global Economy 47 Trillion in cumulative losses through 2030 (Centers for Disease Control, 2018) . Still the characteristics of Communicable disease are very different and distinct then that of NCDs . One example is the Communicable disease Cholera . Cholera is a disease spread by drinking water and or consuming foods contaminated with the cholera bacteria .Sever cholera is characterized by large amounts of watery diarrhea, often described  as rice water stool because it can have a pale milky appearance ; it can also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting if untreated while NCDs are characterized by possessing genetic traits and develop over time, as well as nutritional states  rather than bacterial exposure  .. Role of NCD prevention and Control in Global Health Security state that by the year 2030 most of the worlds disease will be attributed to NCD while this means that communicable disease will see a decrease Chronic Health issues will be prevalent and costly to treat ( 2018). Exposure , nutrition and Sanitation have a major role in the prevention of Communicable disease . When contrasted with NCD we can assert that repeated exposure are an overarching problem in the management and treatment of NCDs . To date over 400,000 cases of cholera have been reported in such countries as Yemen and over 2,000 deaths reported since 2017  Factors that can be implemented in public health and International Public Health are Monitoring Life Styles , Building environments that support health and reducing exposure .

CDC(2018) Emerging Infectious Disease vol 23 . Centers for Disease Control Atlanta .

Healthy People 2020 (2018) Environmental Quality . Retrieved from http: // -Quality  .   

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Revisiting The Octet Rule

The Octet Rule refers to the tendency of Atoms to prefer to have eight electrons in the Valence  Shell. When Atoms have fewer then eight electrons they tend to react and form more stable compounds ; when discussing the Octet Rule we do not consider D or F  electrons  . Only the S and P electrons are involved in the Octet Rule making it useful for main group electrons (elements not in transition -metal or inner transition metals block an Octet in these atoms correspond to an electron configuration ending with 82p6. Octet Rule characteristic are a stable arraignment which can also be corresponded by its own electrons and some electrons which are shared , thus an atom continues to form Bonds until an Octet of electrons is made .

An Example of this Rule .

The fulfillment of this rule can be observed in unstable electrons ; such as an electron constructed of 7 Valence, and another electron which also has 7 valence  . I they each shared the seventh electron co -valence would allow the fulfillment of the Octet Rule making them both stable .

Notice that the last electron when shared by the atoms Chlorine and Florine produce the Octet Rule ; of course these electrons must surround both atoms to be appreciated nun the less stability is achieved through co-convalescence.of the seventh electron shared .


Sunday, October 14, 2018

New Dietary Guild lines and the Perfect Diet for Compliance A Prevention in Public Health .

One of the Governments most important responsibilities is to protect the health of the American Public ; today about half of all Americans adults about 117 million people have one or more preventable chronic disease (ODPHP ,2018). Many of these chronic diseases can be attributed to poor eating habits and physical inactivity.  In 2008 the medical costs linked to obesity were estimated  to be 147 billion and in 2002 the total estimated cost of diagnosed diabetes was 245 billion including 176 billion in direct medical costs and 69 billion in decreased productivity . This issue has also been brought forth by the CDC and also by healthy people as well as Alzheimer's researchers , but most importantly by the folks at Rural Health and Vitality Institute ; why is this important ? because these folks analyze and observe health from an individual and community perspective and identify the factors within your own region and environment that might hinder health and well being . The new edition of the dietary Guidelines 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans is based on Scientific Evidence on nutrition and health informed by this report and by consideration of public and Federal Agency comments . The guidelines are as follows :

1-  Follow a healthy eating pattern across the lifespan  .
2-Focus on variety , nutrient density and amount of food consumed
3-Limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats
4-Shift to healthier food and beverages

The Mediterranean Diet has been proven to address  dietary needs related to many chronic diseases . It must be reiterated that for the past 26 years half of all adult population in the United States is over weight or obese (ODPHP,2018) is is very troubling to most Governmental agencies in public health ; in fact obesity is most prevalent in those ages 40 and older , in African Americans and of least prevalence in higher income population . Another fact that can be derived from the new guidelines is that abdominal obesity has been prevalent in about half of all U.S adults of all ages .In 2012 65% of all females and 73% of all Males were overweight ; and in 2009 to 2012 nearly one in three youths ages 2 to 19 were overweight . The Mediterranean diet consists of eating whole grain foods , vegetables and nuts . Another portion of the Mediterranean diet is olive oil and or sunflower oil . This eating pattern will reduce fat in the following ways it will it will counteract against building visceral fact which is abdominal fat and work to increase  its use as energy ; visceral fat is fat that leads to heart disease , Alzheimer disease and many other chronic illnesses .

ODPHP (2018) Healthy People 2020 . 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans       Retrieved from http"//www. healthy people .gov/2000/tools-resources/evidence-based-resources/2015-2020-dietary-guild lines-for-american

Mayo Clinic(2018) Mediterranean Diet "A  Heart Healthy Eating Plan . Retrieved from http://www. mayo -and healthy-eating in depth/Mediterranean Diet/art- 20047801

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Revisiting Piaget and Freud to Promote Great Sexual Health

The latest CDC reports regarding sexual health are truly remarkable . Nearly 2.3 million cases of Chlamydia , Gonorrhea and Syphilis were diagnosed in the United States in 2017 according to preliminary data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Sexual health is a primary physiological need ; when we make an appraisal of Mallows Hierarchy of needs sex is a primary need in the human being , right along with respiratory health , that s how important sexual contact is to the human being .  When we also revisit the principles stated in Piaget human development model which is primarily related to moral development we can assert that sexual health and decision making with regards to said sexual health are made during the ages of 12 and 21 . But by then is decisions are not appropriately made and disease infiltrates the sexual organ reproduction can be affected , therefor educating the pre teen is a big responsibility and here why ,  The numerical statistical data mentioned in the thesis statement surpassed the previous record set in 2016 by more than 200,000 cases and marked the forth consecutive year of sharp increase in these sexually transmitted diseases (STD) . Gonorrhea diagnosed increased 67% overall from 333, 004 cases according to preliminary  2017 data and nearly doubled among men from 169,130 to 322,169. Increase among women diagnosed and the speed with which they are increasing are also concerning (,2018) with cases up for the third year in a row from 197,499 to 232,587 .Primary and secondary Syphilis diagnosed increases 76% from 17,375 to 30,644. Gay ,bisexual and other men who have sex with men made up almost 70% of primary and secondary syphilis cases.   The threat of untreatable Gonorrhea persisted in the United States and reports of Antibiotic Resistant Gonorrhea abroad have only reinforced those concerns . We also revisit Sigmond Freud as reminder that sexual health begins at around the age of three there for we should do all we can to guide excellent sexual health by reinforcing behavior and not being alarmed when the child is curious about his or her reproductive organs ,in these instances the parent should seize the teachable moment and begin fomenting excellent sexual health thereby assuring good decision making as the child grows . It is also noteworthy that the psychi and drug addiction play a major role in the young adults risk factor because if under the influence of drugs poor decision making  may be related to the consumption of illicit drugs . Parents should have a clear understanding when planning a family of the child s path through life including excellent sexual health and reproduction , all human need sex just like they need essential life sustaining elements such as air , water , sleep and nutrition . This issue should be rigorously intervened in public health because of the nature of the rates and their sudden increase as to prevent an epidemic looming .

CDC(2018) New CDC Analysis Shows Steep and Sustained Increase in STD in Recent Years . Centers for Disease Control

Monday, July 30, 2018

NAS rates increase to Alarming Rates . Public Health Administration Crisis Intervention

Methadon a full Mu-Opined agonist is the recommended treatment for opined dependence during pregnancy . Prenatal exposure to methadone is associated with a neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) characterized by Central Nervous System Hyper irritability and Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction , which often requires medication (NIH,2018). CDC data related to Neonatal Abstinence Syndrom implies an increase in cases . NAS rates increased five fold since the year 2000 . As of the year 2012  there was an average of one infant born with NAS  every twenty five minutes in the United States  accounting for an estimated 1.5 billion in health care spending .

Dramatic increase in Maternal Opined use and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome is very troublesome because  of the nature of its clinical characteristics ; a syndrome is a group of symptoms which involves intense medical interventions . In addition in the year 2012 when rates were rising the tally for yearly increase where 21,732 , as it stands these rates are alarming with one infant with NAS born every 25 minutes ; a scathing amount; and deeply disturbing in Public Health  .Opioid dependence during pregnancy is compounded by multiple risk factors contributing to adverse maternal , neonatal and long term developmental consequences . Improved treatment options should reduce the public health and medical costs associated with the treatment of neonates exposed to opioid which in 2008 was estimated at 70.6 million  to 112.6 million in the United States alone . Among the developmental issues involved in NAS cases public health need to evaluate future issues related to Social and Behavioral health that of future populations , future work force , future mental health of said exposed population and the fruition of chronic health conditions . During the 1980's public health administration were baffled by similar issues and this is well documented in such publications as : The Future of Public Health , published by The Academies Press .  What will the future population be like? , what will their conduct be ?  , what will be their moral system ? . These are all questions that pose extreme concern ; as it stands public health are scrambling to find homes for infants and children who's parents suffer from addiction with an increase in foster care as well .


CDC(2018) Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome . Centers for Disease Control

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMua 1005859 New England Journal of Medicine

Friday, July 20, 2018

Hyperbaric Chamber Treatment in Burn Victims and the Diabetic Wound : Efficiency in its Delivery .

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been promoted as an effective treatment for diabetic foot wounds  , and the first controlled trial for this indication was reported in the 1960s (ADA,2018). HBOT reduces the risk of amputation with an odds ratio of 0.24 which are very good measure outcomes in Psychometric. The rational for indicating measures as being one involving Psychometric is because any treatment involving human maneuvering is measured as Psychometric.  In the seven studies performed using the Hyperbaric chamber which were published in the 1980s all tests were proven to aid in wound healing , including control trials pre study . But concerns related to cost efficiency were noted as being six hour treatments at a rate of 50,000 to health insurance and 200,000 to private pay . Hyperbaric Chamber Therapy is also useful in treating burn victims ,particularly those who have suffered from inhalation injury such as endobronchial debre , inhaled toxins , and chemical burns (Hart et al, 1985) .Brochial cast or acute endobronchial debris and exudate can cause obstruction of distal airways contributing to ventilation -perfusion mismatches and secondary infection ; in addition it a well known clinical fact that  smoke inhalation causes hemorrhages in small blood vessels  which is often not diagnosed in Emergency room departments when smoke inhalation victims are triashed .   The physiological process of inhalation injury is complex and involves a variable and often unpredictable degree of direct local thermal and chemical exposure reactive immune response , systemic effects of inhaled toxins ; accrual of endo trachial debres , and secondary infection . HBOT is a useful and  cost effective intervention with burn victims because of nutritional factors . To better understand this rational one would have to understand Cellular Respiration  and Boyles Law. . Cellular respiration involves the equation of a chemical process called   Covalence where atoms collide to elicit a chemical reaction, in the case of cellular respiration the atoms involved are O2 + C6 H2O 6 these are one oxygen and one glucose ; these atoms collide with CO2+ H20 + ATP or one Carbon Dioxide , one Oxygen , and one ATP or energy. The atoms co vales to form necessary states and enter into the cell with the assistance of the Mitochondria  Boyles Law states that at a constant temperature and at an atmospheric pressure of no more than 30 feet this covalence will not suffer any changes and thus tissue damage will not occur . Why is this important in the treatment of the diabetic patient and burn victim ? . Because the single most important factor in the success of the treatment are related to Nutritional status . This is true because ATP are micro molecules or glucose chains , and the burn victims sole issue in clinical practice are protein loss.  For this reason Nutritional stability need to be present in the individual being treated with the Hyperbaric Chamber as to permit convalece between the atoms , ATP and the mitochondria .


Lipski, B.A Berendt,A.B ( 2010) Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Diabetic Foot Wounds . American Diabetic Association . Retrieved from

Hart,G.B ; Strauss , M.B ; Lemon,P.A & Daniel,D (1985) Treatment of Smoke Inhalation by Hyperbaric Oxygene . Journal of Emergency Medicine  vol 5 Issue 3     

Friday, July 6, 2018

Cost of Data Breeches :Past Present and Future in Public Health .

In the year 2014 the United States was rocked by several large data breaches ; when we appraise data breaches we take into consideration intent , motivation , target , and typology , Previously consumers rarely thought about the security on their credit or debit card ; but all that changed when Target stores reported that 400 million debit and credit card numbers had been stolen during the holiday shopping time in 2014 . This incident both rocked the United States and was a catalyst for cyber crimes analysis . In January of the year 2013 Neiman Marcus was hacked resulting in the breach of consumer information credit and debit card information ; this hack lasted until October of 2013 and was notably affected in store consumer purchase and not in online purchases .Originally the store estimated that at least 1.1 mullion cardholders were affected (Harde,K 2014) . In august of the year 2015 Community Health Systems reported that 4.5 million patient data had been hacked ina cyber attack that resulted in the breach of social security data , patient Identification , and other related data . CHS reported that this breach may have been unforeseen for up to five years .in filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission the Company said no credit card numbers were exposed (Forbes .com, 2016) . In another data breach incident involving E bay 145 million users  were compromised from data breaches and yet in another incident Equifax was also compromised when they lost  consumers social security data , birth dates , and addresses to a hacking incident including drivers license data of more than 145 million consumers of these 209,000 credit card data were exposed (, 2015) . Fortune Magazine also reported  that one of the biggest data thefts had taken place in a health corporation )Anthem) were the results of a nation wide investigation demonstrated that 78.8 million  patients data had been exposed to hacking resulting in the data breach of the Century ; costing the health care company over 100 million dollars in governmental fines .  This was a very big issue to those of use constructing Nursing Software , regulating Nurse vocabulary and compiling IT health care net works that both met the challenges of the recently implemented CMS HIT or Centers for Medicaid Health Information (EMR) System and New ICD 9 EMR at the time it seemed as though we were in a constant do over . Today reports from the Pokemon Institute are as follows : IBM Security , Hewlett Packard Security and Voltage have managed to lower the breach in financial and health data by implementing data systems that meet current challenges  to data security and cyber attacks . The way in which this was accomplished were by performing a thorough transnational study entitled : The 2017 cost of data breach study global overview in this study the cohort consisted of 419 companies researched for data breach and the participatory interventions resulted in a decrease  from 4.00 to 3.62 million the average cost for each lost or stolen record containing sensitive and confidential information . In the year 2016 there was also a decrease from 158 tp 141 million in expenditures of data breach interventions (Ponemon ,2018) Despite the decrease in cost for data loss there still remains an increase of 1.8% in data breaches . Public Health concerns in data breaches and cyber attack surveillance and prevention are guided towards securing Utilities Grid performance , Safety and in Administrative accountability ( Shi & Johnson,2017) combining public health systems and engineering  to secure public health .


Forbes(2018) Money Builder . Retrieved from http://www. forbes .com /sites /money  builder/2015/01/13 the-big -data -breaches -of2014/4/001eed1efe6

CSD (2018)The 17  biggest data breaches of the 21st century.Retrieved from http://www.csd

Ponemon (2018)2017 Cost of Data Breach Study Global Overview . IBM Securities for the Ponemon Institute

Shi, L & Johnson, J.A(2016) Novick & Morrows Public Health Administration .Principles for Population Based Management . Bartlett Jones Publishing


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Accurately Addressing Crisis in Public Health : Foster Care , Suicide and Opioid Addiction .

The opioid epidemic has unfortunately resulted in a secondary looming crisis ,  and one were innocence plays a vital role . A slow creeping crisis within the Health and Human Resources Administration related to Foster Care and stemming from the removal of parental rights  of those immersed in opioid addiction which leads to heroin addiction (H H A,2018) .In addition to these looming crisis we are also observing an alarming rise in suicide cases (Psychiatry Adviser,2018) .It is important to note that interventions in all three crisis must be implemented expeditiously , as all three issues are considered emergency situations ,in this seance they share likeness in characteristics ; not with standing they are different and distinct in causality and the therapeutic approach should paralleled the root of the issue and not the characteristic as to prevent therapeutic measures not suitable , of good fit and economically sound .

Statistical Data 

Suicide Rates - suicide rates increased in nearly every state from 1999 to 2016 . Suicide is rarely caused by any single factor and mental health issues are only a portion pf causes of suicide . Factors for suicide can include drug abuse , relationship issues , legal problems and financial troubles .More than half of all people who commit suicide do not suffer from mental issues ( CDC Vital Signs , 2018). The states with the highest rates of suicide are as follows : Montana , Kansas , South Carolina , New Hampshire , Oklahoma , Utah,Minnesota ,North Dakota and Wyoming  with 58 % increase since 1999.   The states with rates of;  or between 31-37% are :  Colorado, Maryland , Arkansas, Kentucky ,  Indiana Ohio,Pennsylvania , Wyoming and Massachusetts. States with rates of 19-30% increases are Oregon, Texas , New York , Road Island , Alabama , and Los Angeles. The remainder of the states rates rose by 6-18% which is still very high. 

Foster Care Rates- there were no aquishable statistical data found with regard to crud rates or case counts in the increase in foster care . A study that demonstrates outcomes in the characteristics of the scenario in foster care were obtained from the cdc and the discussion stemming from the outcomes is as follows : Mental , behavioral and developmental disorders identified in childhood often persist into adulthood . This particular study was selected because it lends credence to prior studies related to complex childhood trauma ; such as family separation , child abuse and depraved indifference . 

Opioid Addiction - Statistical data need not be compared because it precedes both issues discussed  previously .   

Critical Analysis - The proposed model to ascertain the looming crisis in Foster Care entitled " What Ever It Takes "  where the goal of the proposed model is to compile a system called TST or Total System Therapy are suitable in its concept because it proposes complete therapeutic care in approaching the crisis and rightfully so because the removal of children from parental neglect prevents depraved indifference and it is considered an emergency , but in evaluating the proposed therapeutic interventions from the model  we find that these are not of suitable fit ,because the proposed interventions are existential in nature and are likely extremely difficult for a developing child to carry out  , on the other hand they are also not congruent with the over all concept of assembling a supportive system fro the child . In simular findings TST interventions would be a reasonable fit to implement in Suicidal idealization and self aggression and self harm , becsuse these interventions accurately address the adult existence and  provides insight into suicidal ideation which addresses the issue on a long term basis . The overarching reason for this is because TST are active learning and must be performed by the person as opposed to a child learning intervention where the child must be guided and incapacitated to perform the proposed interventions for himself . Curiously enough the proposed intervention to address suicide entitled Dialectical Behavioral Therapy or DBT is suitable to address Foster Care   .  The intervention is as follows : Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is cognitive behavioral approach to treatment that synthesizes change based strategies  characteristic of behavior therapy and validation strategies (NIH,2018) ;consistent with acceptance  based treatment , This is a better fit in addressing  family separation and in  preventing child abuse , neglect and indifference it also foments healing through forgiveness particularly when applied to Tele health measures which secures the child allows the process and is consistent with a progressive therapeutic regimen. Further TST currently has no statistical measures to sustain its efficacy and DBT is promising in addressing both immediate crisis intervention in Foster care and Suicide idealization .   Because the three crisi share characteristics careful interventions  should be evaluated as to be accurate in public health interventions and in cost effective health rehabilitation .. 


CDC(2018) Suicide Rising Across The USA . Centers for Disease Control Vital Signs . Retrieved from

NIH(2018) Collaborative Adolescent Research on Emotions and Suicide (CARES) Retrieved from http://www. clinical

Psychiatry Advisor (2018) Suicide Rates on the rise in nearly every state ,Says New CDC Report. Retrieved from http://psychiatry advisor. com

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Campus Security and Student Safety Measures .Next Steps in Public Health

The quote from author S Shepard "( There is a lot going on in the world  these days and unfortunately ; due to recent events  campus security has become a bit  of a buzz word)". These remarks made by the author should be headed because they describe aspects of the attack at a High school just days before the school year 2018 were coming to a close . This particular piece is written in plain language or rather technical writing rather than scientific writing because in public health we use technical writing to avoid bias to multicultural populations . The author is justifying the use of attack resistant doors which will be implemented as a public health measure very soon through out school campus across the United States (Shepard,2018) . Attack resistant doors will be further described , but first we must evaluate the type of society which know merit the implementation of such doors to maintain safety and security in the learning setting . So what type of society are we observing and addressing in public health ?  Well when we begin an appraisal of the type of society that merit these types of intervention ; we begin by observing the defining characteristics of the society. when we do we conclude that the society are a pathological one , the definition of pathological is the following (1) being such to a degree that is extreme , excessive , or markedly abnormal . The second definition that are given is the following (2) altered or caused by disease , or indicative of disease . A person and or community can be pathological as seen often times in communities taken over by drugs , or a person who is mentally challenged , but societies can also become pathological when these issues become rampant with little public health intervention  hense, the term pathological society. Attack resistant doors and school guard glass are a new product which are part of new security measures implemented in door way systems ; these systems work by dwarfing and or delaying the entry into particular areas by an attacker , thereby sealing them off from the student body and teaching professionals , This system not only repeals an attacker but also provides a great time frame for first res ponders to minimize MCE . The opening meets test standards for forced entry and ballistics resistant levels of protection for various threats set forth based on the FBIs active shooter reports. The attacker resistant doors assembly can withstand an intense four minute physical attacker after being shot 60 times with 7.62 NATO rounds. This public health intervention is guided towards assuring the education of and security of students who attend public schools across the U.S and are part of the protection from foreign and domestic attacks upon the most vulnerable and innocent / 


Shepard , S (2018) Attack Resistant Doors . Retrived from /home/communications-resources

Shi ,L &Johnson . J.A (2014) Novick and Morrows Public Health Administration .Principles for Population -Based Management . 3rd ed Bartlett Jones Publishing USA     

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Policies in Social and Behavioral Science : Interventions in the Incarcerated Individual

House Rules S.2349 which passed the house on 5/17/2018 states the following "An Inter agency working group shall study Federal efforts to collect data on sexual violence. Working group shall have 180 days to collect said data  Subtitle b of house rules S.2349 states that among the working group  the following agencies shall convene (1) CDC (2) Dep of Education (3) HHS (4) DOI. Subtitle C from the same policy states that working group shall make consideration of the following when collecting data related to sexually violent crimes , define what activities constitute and differentiates a sexual crime . Whether reports that use the same terms for acts of sexual violence are collected the same . Whether the context which lead to an  act is accounted for in reports and whether the data collected is presented in a way that allows the general public to understand what acts of sexual violence are included in each measurement . Item five from subtitles C states that working group shall take measures in avoiding double counting incidents. .

Policy Analysis
     The above implemented policy is formidable and meets  current situations found in the  DOJ , particularly were it relates to cases on the bench within local  and  state jails . An example of why this policy is formidable may be examined when reading the text from the article entitled " New York City by the Numbers " where the following statistical data are found : Of the more than 58,000 admissions to the city jails last year 2017 43,345 were jailing of unique individual . Nearly 3,800 inmates had been held more than 10 other times, and about 800 were jailed wore than 20 times during the years 2008 through 2017 .  But the most significant statistical data are that 30,443 had been jailed once before from the year 2007 -2017 . This is significant because apart from the obvious recidivism are post jailed rehabilitative practices and there effectiveness . In the article entitled Incarceration and the Mentally ill written by L Cruz, 2015 the same recommendations found in policy # S.2349 were suggested . Findings from that research study were the following Census were extremely high with the majority of jailed individuals were made up of Hispanics and Black males , city jails had a 99% population with some type of mental incapacity Vs Federal Jails and the number one mental incapacity was related to impulse control issues rather than organic mental illness  . In addition two out of every three males is jailed in the United States every day, and the Jail census is the highest among all countries of the world . Currently there 35 out of every 100 people have active cases in the bench or docket  (L, Cruz 2015). The policy is important because it allows the working group to examine  the factors found in the study related to the incarcerated individual with mental illness and to engage in interventions in Social and Behavioral health that lower recidivism , deter incarceration and prevent poverty because incarceration affect not only the economy but threaten the United States work force , infrastructure and ability of its citizens to compete with other countries  .


L ,Cruz(2015 ) Incarceration and the Mentally Ill . Capella University .Minnesota USA 

Retrieved from http:/,000-admissions-tocity-jails-last-year-howmany-inmates-had-been-there-before/ . New York by the Numbers .

Friday, May 25, 2018

Comparison Between SDG UN and CDC Under Five Child Mortality .Public Health Perspective .

New estimates in levels and trends in child mortality report for 2015 ; released by the UN Inter agency group for child mortality estimation UN /GME indicate that although the global progress has been substantial (16,000) children under five still die every day , and the 53% drop is not enough to meet the Millennium Development Goals which call for two thirds reduction in under five mortality rates (You & Hug,2015) between 1990 and 2015 . The remarkable decline in under five mortality rates from the year 2000 onward remained at the same level as in the year 2000. Most child deaths are caused by disease or USHD Usual Childhood Diseases , that are readily preventable and treatable with proven cost effective and quality delivered interventions . Infectious disease and neonatal complications are responsible for the vast majority of under five deaths globally As accelerations of the pace of progress is urgently required to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDG) targets on child survival ; particularly in high mortality countries like Sub Saharan Africa trends in child death should be revisited , analyzed and presented to gain a more accelerated step in preventable child death . As stated in the three pillars for SDG some of the following child death causality are highlighted in this piece to continue on the path which meets goals , therefor this will concentrate on social , behavioral issues that serve to hinder progress in said SDG for 2030 .  Current causes of under five child deaths are the six conditions presented and account for approximately 70% of all deaths , the first is acute lower respiratory conditions  , the second is pneumonia at 19% , the third is diarrhea at 18% ,the fourth cause of child death is malaria ; at 8% and the fifth cause is measles at 4% , the sixth cause is HIV at 3% and the combined lower respiratory infections , asphyxia at birth and other infections constitute 37% which combined total 89% of all child deaths respectively . Trending issues related to these deaths, when appraised are pertaining to one of the pillars in SDG  goals  (Social and Behavioral Progress) . Among the trending issues are (1) child abuse , (2) poverty , (3) Sanitation ,(4) Medical Insufficiency (5) Medical Insufficiency (6) Malnutrition (7) Housing  and Psychological abuse (, 2018). When the child death rates presented by the Centers for Disease Control are matched to Sustainable Development Goals and Global Child Mortality Rates the following data can be analyzed . First we can plainly see that the causes  for child death are distinct when we compare CDC data and SDG UN data  CDC causes are psycho social in nature and SDG UN causes are physical in nature . CDC data can be appraised as " the psycho social leading to the physical death of the child under five , where as SDG UN data can be appraised as the physical leading to the psychological death or integral death of the child under five . So why does this occur , further more why are children under five at highest risk particularly and placing emphasis on CDC data ? . One of the overarching reasons is because of the neurological system , in children the brain is not fully developed until the age of five ; meaning that when you receive your neonate he or she is in the Raw what is placed or encoded into his brain up until the age five is really what you will get , see after the age of five the growth is physical . Some of the repercussions of error messages in children under five can be attributed to exposure (environmental ) such as low concept , erroneous reward , abuse both physical and emotional , and immorality . These psychosocial tasks are part of the child under fives development right along with gross and fine motor skills , there for in order to meet SDG 2030 goals we should concentrate on providing regional interventions in public health and consider integration of SDG in family court systems as well as providing genographs in clinical health from birth to early adulthood . Community health are a big portion in the survival of the child as well . As stated in the paper entitled The Sandwich Generation Cruz ,L  2014 one of the over arching reasons for violence in child hood is child rearing . The majority of the factors that lead to under five child death stated in CDC data are Depraved Indifference which should be a focal point for accomplishing SDG 2030 goals .


CDC (2018) Violence Prevention . Retrieved from

You ,D & Hug, L (2015) Levels and Trends in Child Mortality . Report 2015,Estimates Developed by the UN Inter agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation UNICEF New York       

Cruz ,L (2014) The Sandwich Generation . An Evidence Based Toolin Public Health . Capella University Minniapolis MN USA

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Ebola : Interleukin 2 and COX 1 and 2 Tracking Exposure at a Cellular Level

This week a viral epidemic were reported in stemming from the region of Congo Africa and Monrovia .  While  this is the 10th or so outbreak of Ebola Virus l the exposure mechanism are a question of debate among Africans ; all the while there have been 14 deaths reported and they even have a rap song dedicated to the virus . Make no mistake this is a deadly virus although it is not actively placed in the United States Department of Defense list of Biological Weapons , this is probably because the virus is contained with a vaccine ( Tierno,2002) The role of immune mechanism in the pathogenesis of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF) remains to be elucidated . In Villinger et al paper re guarding  Cytokine levels of patients who died of EHF virus as compared to controls and recovered patients a marked elevation of INF level > 100 pg/ml was observed in  sequential serum samples from all fatal EHF cases compared to controls and recovered patients (Villinger et al ,2002). Markedly elevated serum levels of interleukin (IL-2) ,IL-10 tumor necrosis factor INF -a and IFN -a were also noted in fatal EHF cases , however these had a high level of variability. The overarching difference in the infected cases from the controls and recovered patients were the variability in Interleukin ,mRNA quantification and in immune activation . Why is this variability significant ? , because the fatal cases demonstrated a higher variability ? perhaps . A second glance at immune response in Ebola cases can be appraised in David Urdals paper stemming from the observation of Interleukin 2 1984 were the author and researcher cites a similar immune response when he compared fatal cases from unaffected cases . In his patent paper he writes the following : [ the success of many normal immune response require the participation of T Cells. The proliferation of T Cells to sufficiently large numbers to enable them to assume an effective role in immune responses is controlled by the presence of the polypeptide growth hormone interleukin 2 acts on T Cells must express  this receptor . 

As stated in the thesis statement new Ebola cases have been reported in Congo and Liberia in the past week where at least 14 people have succumb to the infection . The overarching reason for infection as cited by Doctors without borders is the consumption of bush meat , this is being denied by the population because the agent has not been tracked to markets , how ever when we analyze the exposure type and the incubation period along with the disease development we can confidently estimate that the likely focus for infection is probably bush meat being consumed by the population . Bush meat are animals usually found in forests , such as monkeys , antelopes and bush dogs .polypeptides are amino acid chains formed in tissue . These are directly formed from the consumption of meat , further host - agent response elicits immune response from Interleukin 2 which activate T Cells and cytokine level elevation occur when the immune system is responding to infection by way of oesinophiles and eosinophils ; but the biggest evidence that the population has been infected from bush meat consumption is Cox 1 and Cox 2 which are immune responses that stem from prostaglandin activation . Prostaglandin response are associated from polypeptide and polypeptide are amino acid chains that form from meat consumption . This a perfect time to intervene in epidemic control and to re think commodity trade that are effective ,prevent the spread of infection and disease and are bilateral beneficial.


Tierno,P.H (2002) The Secret Life of Germs .Pocket Books New York USA

Villinger, F ; Rollin,P.E;Bovar, S.S; Chikkala, N.F ; Winter, J ; Spristrom, J.S; Zaki,S.R ; Swanipole,A.A; & Clearence , J.F (1999) Markedly Elevated Levels of Interferon (INF-y ) IFN -a ,Interleukin (IL-2) ,IL-10 , and Tumor Necrosis Factor -a Associated with Fatal Ebola Virus Infection. The Journal of Infectious Disease .       

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

ERPOS Extreme Risks Protection Orders and their Impact Upon College Settings .

ERPOS allows law enforcement ; with approval from the court system to remove firearms from individuals who are a demonstrated threat to themselves or others and, temporarily prevent individuals from purchasing new firearms.  ERPOS is defined as Extreme  Risk Protection Orders. According to New ERPOS rules DOJ will provide emergency and crisis training to Stop school violence , furthermore ERPOS rules permits inquiry into college and university student back round  bypassing FERPA,  which provide students privacy from school officials to inquire about students past mental health; and or current mental health status. conversely FERPA also prevents parents from  inquiring about student college performance and how these relate to student mental health  This is  very surprising because FERPA is one of the only laws that protect students rights to privacy from pell grant lenders , scholarship and fellowship grantees , school officials , parents and other agencies interested in college students mental health status . On the other hand most recently Howard TH Chan school of public health reported on April of 2018 that mental health issues are already on the rise among college students . Opioid addiction is also on the rise among college students as is gun control issues . So why is ERPOS rules  such a concern ? because ERPOS does not Honor FERPA rules and can be used to invade a students privacy .

Questions surrounding ERPOS are plentiful . One of the questions that I have regarding ERPOS  is can it also be used to evaluate student fitness for receiving a GI bill grant ? How will ERPOS be implemented into school campus ? What is the Middle States Commission role when ERPOS is implemented into campuses?    .How will this new Act affect professorship right to mold students , for instance in bioethics or ethics were students demonstrate change in mental status and development ; will this also be confused with an altered mental status were ERPOS might be used to erroneously implement vigilance upon a student because his demeanor has changed .

What Say You?


 retrieved from

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Experimentors Challenge : Scientific and Scholarly Writing .

New experiments are often designed to provide evidence that may support explanation reconciling conflicting experiments in the research literature dealing with a particular problem. An example of this can be found in the study performed by authors  Mathis, Sheir , Brunsen  & Carducci (1980) where dealing with the effects of predictable and unpredictable patterns of aversive stimulation on the experience of negative physical symptoms , such as shortness of breath , ringing ears ,watery eyes, sweaty hands , flushed face and stiff muscles(Jung , 1999) The described symptomatic can be misleading and or conflicting where scientific writing is concerned . Performing a scientific study is only half of the scientists duty and of his or her knowledge base . Simply because the researcher has completed a research study  this does qualify said research study for publishing. . A  researcher may find  multiple issues when writing a research paper , this may also be further hindered when translating said paper to another language and or submitting this paper to peer review  for publishing particularly when a construct tool , method  causal links, or time series are involved in the research tasks interpretation may be difficult and also the research conclusion ( Baker , 1999) . Larkin , Dierk & Shotman also provide insights with regard to scientific research writing in descriptive study designs which bear a large weight on studies that usually succumb to the stipulated issues mentioned above when they write the following [ Focus on the translation and validation of measurement instruction has left a gap in the discussion on how to construct multilingual qualitative tools , such as interviews , methods of forward and backwards  translations have been criticized for weak conceptual equivalence ; a crucial issues when multiple language interview methods are used ]. There critique of an example study design is the following :Through the creative arts metaphor of weaving , the author  of the evaluated study described an  alternative process of multi centric translation used in the development of interview guide designed to explore the impact of translation of palliative care patients in six different countries . Four identified core construct illuminate this multi centric process; cohesion , congruence , clarity , and courtesy. Mutual reciprocity between researcher and translator offers greater possibility for construction of nuance and meaning particularly where cultural parameters influence the collection of  sensitive data from vulnerable populations. Scholarly work is detrimental to producing healthy populations and it begins with a clean research design and ends with rigorous scientific writing , especially when social and behavioral science are a focus within a research design this must always remain unbiased and ethical .


Baker, T (1999) Doing Social Research 3rd ed Mc Graw Hill Publishings

Jung, J (1982) The Experimentors Challenge: Methods and Issues in Psychological Research . Mc Millan Publishing New York.

Larkin,F.J ; Dierk de Costieri B ; & Shotman, P (2007) Multilingual Translation :Issues in Qualitative Research . Reflections on a Metaphorical Process. Pub Med                                       

Thursday, April 19, 2018

BED Binge Eating Disorder .Is it related to diabetes and other diseases?

Bing eating disorder is characterized by the ingestion of very large meals with out purging afterward .This disease is often found in a subset of individuals who suffer from obesity or morbid obesity. With the development of this disease the stomachs capacity is greater in some subjects then that of leaner individuals in fact ; a study performed by Geiliebter in the year 2004 where three groups were compared the first group which consisted of 11 BED cases , the second group were 13 sub threshold BED cases , and the third group were that  that the BED group had the largest stomach compliance to pressure  with a rate of P=02 . Geiliebter utilized two methods to prove is hypothesis ; the first was the evaluation of appititive hormones  such as  , CCK, leptin , glucose , glucogon , and insulin pre and post test. The second method used were intragastric balloon test to measure stomach compliance to pressure in all of the groups tested ( Geiiebter et al, 2004) .
The BED group demonstrated a larger stomach compliance to pressure. This was demonstrated by the analysis with intragastric balloon and corroborated with chemical analysis of appititive hormones.  Although  three groups were selected for study inclusion , these were selected to fit a study criteria . The criteria for inclusion were based on BMI and not other variables such as age , race , or social variables  such as economic status.   The sub threshold group were used as a baseline to evaluate both leaner individuals and those whom were obese . The outcome of the study demonstrated that the cause obesity is not heredity , diabetes , or age , because the individuals increased stomach tensor muscles when ad-libitum binge eating were permitted thereby self increasing stomach compliance pressure .

Obesity development is associated with the reward centers of the brain and is a psychosomatic disease rather than a psycho social one , and diabetes is not the cause of obesity .Diabetes development is however associated with obesity. 

Geiliebter, A ; Yahov, E.K ;  Yluck , M.E & Hasim, S.A (2004) Gastric Capacity, test meal intake , and appititive hormons in binge eating disorder. Springer Publishings USA           

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Shea Butter as a preventative method in the development of Skin Cancer, Sleroderma and Ptergium

Skin cancer is seen as one of the most hazardous forms of cancer found in humans . The most common skin cancers include Melanoma , Squamous cell carcinoma , and Basel cell carcinoma  with  Melanoma being the most unpredictable (Rao,2016) . Systemic Sclerosis or Scleroderma is a form of progressive fibrosis that occurs when excessive amounts of collagen are deposited in skin tissue leading to pathogenesis in organ function . The characteristics of the disease are continued vascular constriction ;including the small vessels that surround organs . Most of the diseases described can be attributed to UVA exposure . Another disease that develops in humans and that can also be attributed to UVA exposure is Ptergium , Ptergium is a degenerative disease that affects ocular function it proliferates the sclera of the eye (Tan et al ,1999). The symptoms of Ptergium include cellular changes in the medial limbus of the cornea. It is interesting to note that Basel cell and Squamous cell carcinomas are of a superficial nature , and Melanomas are cancer types that metastasize whereas Basel cell and Squamous cell cancers do not they literally burr a hole in the affected site , but do not act systemically. Prevention seems to be the best mode and approach to addressing skin cancer and Ptergium . Recently the question of preventative methods was evaluated particularly with climate change considerations , nutritional considerations , and environmental consideration made to not only establish best practice methods but to make recommendations in public health which are efficacious  and cost effective . Shea butter is one treatment alternative  which is currently being analyzed  for its healing properties .  One of shea butters qualities is called Tocopherol , tocopherol is a type of vitamin E that is found in Shea butter ; tocopherol is derived from vegetable oils . Shea butter eliminates inflammation , protects the skins surface from free radicals in the environment and is a natural antioxidant ; the fact that it also acts as an anti inflammatory is no surprise because Vitamin E is prescribed for burn victims as a topical remedy and usually recommended from Aloe Vera . The way in which aloe vera works is striking because it literally pulls blood to the affected area so that immune response can be had and the bodies natural healing processes can proceed. This can also be observed then when applying Shea butter ; further tocopherol is known as an antioxidant that provides for the skin since 96% of the skins natural antioxidant defense system  is also derived from tocopherol which is consumed from plant foods . So why is Shea butter being recommended as a public health measure fro the three diseases described in this issue , because it serves to protect the skins surface from UVA rays to prevent the development of skin cancer , and because it serves to deter inflammatory processes that are a byproduct of collagen deposition in Sleroderma and maintains the skin moisturized all year around

References /10.1002/art.178230510

Jimenez,S.A & Hitraya,E (2015) Pathogenesis of Sleroderma. Rheumatic Disease Clinics.

Saw, S.A & Tan , D (1999) Ptergium Prevalence ,Demography and Risk Factors .Opthalmic Epidemiology vol 6 Issue 3

MaKeish, N.D (2012) Medical Benefits of the Shea Butter Nut Tree .Digital Scholarship .Tennessee State University.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Nurse Work Force Violence : Mileu Conciderations and Risk Assessment

Mileu  evaluation were performed during the 1990's by Interior Decorators  in hospital settings to establish and increase patient comfort levels ; during such evaluation issues that decrease patient comfort were identified ; and suggestions that include principles of Interior Design  were implemented to increase patient comfort . Among some of the suggestions implemented were Funcshu to add a comfort level that is becoming to patients , how ever , this is no longer the 1990,s . Nurses across America are  quickly coming to terms with the fact that Work Place Violence is an all to real hazard perhaps because the premise that a hospital mileu are in truth a setting were multiple crisis are addressed   completely escaped the interior designers during the 1990,s.  Statistics related  to Hospital personnel violence;  particularly Nursing Staff are on the rise . Health Care workers in private industries reported non fatal work place violence injuries in 2013 that was more than 67% of the total number in all industries (NIOSH,2017) , although the health care industry employed only 11.5% of all the U.S work force . Many health care workers do not receive  formal training in work place violence prevention and still face assault risks while working close to people n tense and often stressful situations (CDC,2017).

Identifying Aggressive Behavior in Health Care Settings
Identifying aggressive behavior in health care settings includes : Assessment and Tact , for example one of the first signs of aggressive conduct is pacing ; a person who has become agitated tends to pace around the person who has become a target for the dissemination of an aggressive event . Other behavior include lewd and disrespectful comments , heavy breathing , and perceptual disturbances . The hospital setting are not the sole proprieter' s of this epidemic . Nurse who work from such settings as ; 1) Visiting Nurse Services , 2) School Nurse Settings , and 3) Community Health Nurses as well as Nurse Researchers  are at risk for suffering violent attacks .
Nurse researchers have often been confused by people ;when working from a community as social service workers whose aim is to evaluate issues that pertain to social services . This can also be true when engaging in Trans national research settings . For this reason limiting work force violence training to the hospital setting is not effective because nurses work in very distinct and diverse setting   New guidelines need to be in place and think tank are recommended that includes ANA , ICN , and NIOSH to establish laws that are Universal and provide protection from work place violence that include, ergonomics, infrastructure , and aggressor punishment and civil damage attainment .


CDC(2017) NIOSH Sector and Cross Sector Program Supplement 2006- 2017 . Retrieved from http///           


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Mononucleosis : Is this the cause of ALS and MS ?

Prediction to susceptibility of the condition Multiple Sclerosis may have significant clinical applications ,either as part of a diagnostic algorythem or as a means to identify high risk individuals for prospective studies (De Jager et al 2018) .While this becomes the desire of a researcher ; two outstanding factors related to assessing risk and to clinical assessment have  recently been scientifically elucidated that may change the way I which MS or Multiple Sclerosis are both diagnosd and treated in the near future  The first overarching factor hat changes the way I which clinicians approach a patient at risk for MS is that Mononucleosis has been recently tied to the development of Multiple Sclerosis . Mononucleosis is a communicable infection hat harbors in the lymphatic system and which affects the nervous  system ; this infection has also ben linked to Epstein Barr Virus which also affects the nervous system and causes paralysis. The second overarching factor and perhaps the most relevant is the many clinicians argue the Multiple sclerosis is not a genetic disease ; while scientists argue that it is . Recently the following research were established using CRISPR a promising gene editing tool which may soon be utilized to treat Multiple Sclerosis    First lets define exactly what CRISPR is , CRISPR Cas9 defined as Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats is a gene editing modality that was discovered while examining the activity and behavior of microorganisms , their infectious process and the way in which viruses contaminate healthy cells . In order to understand the relationship that Epstein Barr and Multiple Sclerosis h              have with the disease manifestation we must remember that Mononucleosis is a virus and that quite possibly it might also be responsible for the development of MS ;because its link to Epstein Barr has already been noted . This must be taken into concideration when assessment of paralysis like conditions are being evaluated . So when we examine the premise that Multiple sclerosis is not a  genetic condition we produce the following data : Multiple Sclerosis is a cell mediated autoimmune response which means that the cells respond in a way that does allow for the recognition of cells as proper ;but are being recognized as foreign to the body . The only scientific reasoning for this confusion are invasion of virus which causes such immune response as seen with Epstein Barr and which are likely in MS aswell.  ALS which are a similar disease to MS and which  are also similar to Epstein bar in their ability to cause paralysis . CRISPR CAS9 technology establishes the following with regards to ALS or Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis : Hexanucleotide repeat expantion in the C90RF72 gene are the most common cause of amytrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia (Nature Genetics ,2018) C9ALS/FTD . The nucleotide -repeat (DPR) proteins , which are aggregation prone and may contribute to neurodegeneration of the myelin sheeth which lines the nerves . CRISPR Cas9 would there for serve to answer questions related to weather MS is genetic in nature and or communicable .

doi: 10.1038/s41588-018-0070-7
O Cooner,P (2008) Multiple Sclerosis :Everything You Need to Know .Firefly Publishing New York USA                    

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

ADHD Mimicry in disease : Child developmenta lStages to aid in correct diagnosis.

The official diagnosis criteria  for ADHD can be found in the DSM-IV . The criteria states that the individual must exhibit six or more symptoms in the attention category, and or six   out of nine symptoms from the hyperactivity and impulsivity criteria . When these are present within a six month period they are evaluated and tallied to comprise a diagnosis ; which is usually followed by a plan in rehabilitative and prevention strategies that concider cognition and learning difficulties . While this present diagnostic criteria is standard in the DSM-IV it maybe different and distinct within settings, jurisdiction  , (present)  clinical case or acculturation abilities. The following are four diagnostic criteria from the Inattention part of the diagnostic fame 1) often has difficulty sustaining attention to task or play activities ,2) often has difficulties organizing tasks and activities, 3) often avoids dislikes or is reluctant to engage in tasks or activities , 4) is often forgetful in daily activities or easily distracted by extreneous stimuli (Reif, 2004)  Two of the diagnostic criteria from the impulsivity portion were selected to draw differences from  Metabolic disorders that often mimic ADHA and which are difficult to diagnose in children ; these are as follows 1) is often on the go or often acts as I driven by a motor , 2) often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly. A few of the  defining characteristics in symptom measure post evaluation have ben chosen to allow further scrutiny in differentiating metabolic disease fro ADHA ; these , are as follows ; first the symptoms must be maladaptive and inconsistant with the individuals developmental level and second the symptoms are not better accounted for by another mental disorder . ADHA is a neuro-biological disorder ; but so are many other metabolic disease which if not attended to can not only mimic a diagnosis of ADHA but might hinder adequate treatment . Lets begin the analysis by stating that both ADHA and for instance a metabolic disorder such as Hypothyroidism are similar in symptomotology where it pertains to psychosocial development; how is this possible when one disease is biological and the other is psychosocial . Hormone regulation are very much a silent player in child development and a factor that is often lost in the diagnostic equation ;particularly if external factors are also at play, such as the ones sated above . The most relevant issue is that hormone regulation or dis-regulation can even disturb Libel, affect, demeanor and memory retention in the afflicted child which mimics some of the diagnostic criteria found in the inattention portion  or the ADHD criteria as well as many other disease manifestations ; for this reason rigorous evaluation and clinical testing over an 18 to 24 month period should be performed because hormone dysregulation can have its affect upon the child while testing can bet false negative .This dynamic can also be observed in lead poisoning and testing ; to name just one other psychosocial health condition, the only difference is that lead poisoning are subject to exposure but the overarching determinant  in diagnosis in both ADHA and lead poisoning are time frame and presence of alterations in behavior due to a silent irritant ; lead and hormone did-function.


Reif, S( 2004) T he ADHA Book of Lists: A Practical Guide for Helping Children and Teens with Attention Deficit Disorder     . Wiley Publishings .  

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Is Oxidative Stress the Causality in the Develoment o HIV Virus

Most physicians believed that stress only lead to the development of a peptic ulcer; this is classic post positivistic scientific view. Ulcers are caused by H Pilori ; a gastrointestinal bacteria found in the stomach which is treatable with antibiotic treatment, how ever ,stress has the ability to cause non essential organ system disease (Zopolsky 2018) how does this occure? This occurs because when the individual is in the midst of a stressful event his or her primary physiologic function are the fight or flight response . This response is important to combat the stressful event in which the individual finds himself or herself ;and is guided by the sympathetic nervous system   meaning that essential systems such as the immune system are placed in the back burner while the stressful event is resolved . But what happens when stressers become multiplied ? , the immune system never really reactivates itself and  if it does; its not for long. This causes oxidative stress ; which is a very different type of stress, this type of stress uses distinct mechanisms of recovery and has the ability to cause devastating physiologic damage.  Some of the following pathologies and disease development associated with oxidative stress are  (1) heart failure (2) peptic ulcers (3) hair loss (4) cancer (5) obesity (6) mental illness , and (7) cell death. Is oxidative stress a factor in placing the individual in prime susceptibility for contracting HIV ? . Yes , because when  oxidative stress begin to occure cells lose an electron ; but to survive it retreaves an electron to replace the lose . If oxidative stress is in process and has no mechanism or electron supply to retrieve from then there is cell death . What can cause oxidative stress? Some of the following factors that cause oxidative stress are poor nutrition , ilicit drug use, IV rug use , illness , poverty and social stress . When these factors  occur alone they are not sufficient to cause oxidative stress which in turn cause cell death; however when these factors are almost all present in the life of an individual they do have the capacity to cause oxidative stress. that in turn cause place the person in a prime condition to contract HIV virus . Such as seen in an IV drug user who may have poor nutrition and homelessness , or a homosexual man with family issues who also uses drugs and suffers sexual repression. These examples are a few of the multiple which prevent the immune system to both function , prevent disease onset and  ever recovering its full function; because it is constantly being placed in the back burner .  To combat this type of stress antioxidants are necessary because they strengthen the cell from which electrons can be pulled when oxidative stress attempt to occur there by preventing the process of or onset of oxidative stress. Antioxidants are obtainable from fruits ,vegetables , supplements such as green tea.


Sapolsky , R (2017) The Science of Stress . Portrait of a Killer. National Geographics

E.J Corey , Czako , B & Kurti , L (207) Molecules and Medicine . Wiley Publishing              

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

HIV Viral Expression

While field epidemiology  of acute problems share many characteristics with prospectively planned epidemiologic studies ; they may differ in at least three important  aspects , first because field investigations often start  without clear hypothesis they may require the use of descriptive studies to generate hypothesis before analytic studies can be defined and designed and conducted to test these hypothesis , second ; as noted previously ; when acute problems occur there is an immediate need to protect the communitys health and address its concerns. These responsabilities drive the epidemiologic field investigation beyond the confines of data collection and analysis and action  Gregg,M ( 2004). Finally , field epidemiology requires one primary narrative to concider when the data are sufficient to take action rather than ask what additional questions might be answered.

Why is this significant? because this epidemiologic investigative sequence  serves to analyze the operational methodology of the epidemiolgic investigation that lead to the diagnosis of HIV during the 1980s and whether  biological plausability where applied .

A retrospective analysis only raises more questions; one of which is ?where lifestyles a contributing factor in developing HIV virus  contributing factor and yet another question might be :is oxidative stressa contributing factor as well. Last weeks post recommended using homeopathic nterventions as complimentary medicine when rating HIV and AIDS . Another factor to concider is , ? are gene expression a  factor in phenotype development and did scientists foresee the constant mutation of this virus which were never appropriately isolated to begin with . The virus existance rest on particulate matter which hon ad been exposed o a supernatum or growth factor . The controversy surrounding the condition is not the syndrom or AIDS but rather the test sensitivity and specificity which relies upn antibodys formed from the presence of a virus which a person had been exposed to . In additin when we analyze the behavior associated with life styles of a living organism exposed to the virus ; we forget that a single organism has a behavior as well that al?low for the identification of normal and abnormal ; it is abnormal for a virus to behave as a cancer cell which is what this virus does , the term used to identify this anomolly is retrovirus . This leads me to ask the following two questions , ?is tis phenotype a result of autoimmune expression, and why would antiretroviral medication be prescribed to destroy DNA when what should have been done is to protect the DNA which are being attacked by a retrovirus . Strengthening the organism by way that it can fight off the attack of he virus is a better choice in clinical practice not weakening the organism with antiretroviral medication for a virus whose very existence rests on particulate  matter .

Gregg , M (2004) Field Epidemiology 3rd ed Oxford University                                 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Homeopathy and their Uses in Public Health

Naturopathy often referred to as natural medicine is based on the belief hat the cause of disease is a violation of natures law ( Balch ,2002 ). We can also assert this premise when we and compare it to Nurse theory such as Martha Rogers Metaparadigma entitled Science of Unitary Human Beings ; and that of Nurse Theorist Betty Neuman whose Metaparadigma is entitled Systems Theory and based on energy (Nurse 2018) . The goal of the naturopath is to remove the underlying causes of disease and to simulate the bodies natural healing process. Naturopathic treatments include : fasting , vitamins and supplements , counceling , tissue minerals herbs and homeopathic remedies , as well as massage therapy acupuncture and application of water , heat , cold , sunlight and electricity.

Most methods are used to detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system  A proportion of Naturopathic supplemental medicine can be utilized to compliment ongoing treatment of disease or to tailor preventative measures in such chronic diseases as HIV and AIDS , Diabetis , Drug Addiction , and Mental Illness . Homeopathic remedies can also be described as Folk Medicine as this is the proper term used in North America   when referring to the use of herbs to compliment treatment of disease or when describing  home made remedies.

The ancient Chinese  recognized a vital energy behind al life forms and processes called qi pronounced Chee ; oriental practitioners believe that energy flows along specific pathways called meridians . Each pathway is associated with a particular physiologic system and internal organ . This is not surprising and should be well incorporated in science because in traditional medicine t s a wel kown fact that not all organs age at the same time , some may age or become disease sooner than others and when this occurs there may be an imbalance in energy be it in expenditure or lack thereof . We also corroborate these concepts when we evaluate Betty Neumans System theory and Martha Rogers Nurse theory .  Why is this important to preventative care and public health? Because when we concider that over 60,000 people died from drug overdose in the year 2016 we evaluate complimentary care as a vital tool in both tailored rehablitaton and in ealth care as a whole

Balch, P.A (2002) Prescription for Nutritional Healing . The A-Z Guide to Suppliments.  New York  USA