Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

ADHD Mimicry in disease : Child developmenta lStages to aid in correct diagnosis.

The official diagnosis criteria  for ADHD can be found in the DSM-IV . The criteria states that the individual must exhibit six or more symptoms in the attention category, and or six   out of nine symptoms from the hyperactivity and impulsivity criteria . When these are present within a six month period they are evaluated and tallied to comprise a diagnosis ; which is usually followed by a plan in rehabilitative and prevention strategies that concider cognition and learning difficulties . While this present diagnostic criteria is standard in the DSM-IV it maybe different and distinct within settings, jurisdiction  , (present)  clinical case or acculturation abilities. The following are four diagnostic criteria from the Inattention part of the diagnostic fame 1) often has difficulty sustaining attention to task or play activities ,2) often has difficulties organizing tasks and activities, 3) often avoids dislikes or is reluctant to engage in tasks or activities , 4) is often forgetful in daily activities or easily distracted by extreneous stimuli (Reif, 2004)  Two of the diagnostic criteria from the impulsivity portion were selected to draw differences from  Metabolic disorders that often mimic ADHA and which are difficult to diagnose in children ; these are as follows 1) is often on the go or often acts as I driven by a motor , 2) often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly. A few of the  defining characteristics in symptom measure post evaluation have ben chosen to allow further scrutiny in differentiating metabolic disease fro ADHA ; these , are as follows ; first the symptoms must be maladaptive and inconsistant with the individuals developmental level and second the symptoms are not better accounted for by another mental disorder . ADHA is a neuro-biological disorder ; but so are many other metabolic disease which if not attended to can not only mimic a diagnosis of ADHA but might hinder adequate treatment . Lets begin the analysis by stating that both ADHA and for instance a metabolic disorder such as Hypothyroidism are similar in symptomotology where it pertains to psychosocial development; how is this possible when one disease is biological and the other is psychosocial . Hormone regulation are very much a silent player in child development and a factor that is often lost in the diagnostic equation ;particularly if external factors are also at play, such as the ones sated above . The most relevant issue is that hormone regulation or dis-regulation can even disturb Libel, affect, demeanor and memory retention in the afflicted child which mimics some of the diagnostic criteria found in the inattention portion  or the ADHD criteria as well as many other disease manifestations ; for this reason rigorous evaluation and clinical testing over an 18 to 24 month period should be performed because hormone dysregulation can have its affect upon the child while testing can bet false negative .This dynamic can also be observed in lead poisoning and testing ; to name just one other psychosocial health condition, the only difference is that lead poisoning are subject to exposure but the overarching determinant  in diagnosis in both ADHA and lead poisoning are time frame and presence of alterations in behavior due to a silent irritant ; lead and hormone did-function.


Reif, S( 2004) T he ADHA Book of Lists: A Practical Guide for Helping Children and Teens with Attention Deficit Disorder     . Wiley Publishings .  

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