In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons of guidance that will aid them into transition of young adulthood . Holistic care can serve to ameleortate physical and mental pain during adolesents development . We cannot deny that teenagers are faced with many challenges in family dinamics and in there immediate environment as well as in the educational setting ; navigating through these challenges in an appropriate and sucsessfull manner can make the difference with regards to becoming an asset to society (Cruz L ,2021 ). Holistic care can take many forms , often when we mention holistic care in Nursing and in allied health we automatically think of supplemental medicine, and yes thats true, but holictic care can also be viewed in the perspective of supplimental care that can allow for the successful transition into young adulthood for many adolesents .
Staitistics in Adolesent Development
13 % of the global burdon of disease are found in children between the ages of 15-17 this burdon of disease is directly related to suicide ideation . Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death in adolesents .50 % of adolesents living on wellfare meet the requirments for mental illness intervention ( 2021 Youth Mental Health Disparities Conference NI H , 2021). Covid 19 has exascerbated Child abuse particularly in adolescents in an increase of caese by 34.95% in this past year (American Acedemy of Pediatrics 2021) . The most often area of trauma caused to adolescents in child abuse cases are in the head and legs two anatomical structures that are of extreme inportance for successfull transition into adulthood . Youth homelessnes has risen in LQBTQ adolesents .Most teens share the religion of their parents (Stuckler, D & Basmu,S 2021) . Among children ages 5 and older the number of child abuse victims has tripled to 103% up from an avarage of 36% before the covid 19 pandemic (US News.com2021) .and 9% of all American children are diagnosed with ADHD , many African American teens diagnosed with ADHD commit suicide .
Jean Piagets Formal Operational Developmemnatl Stage Characteristics
From about the age of 12 years old children can follow the form odf a logical argument without reference to its context . During this time peaople develop the ability to think about absrtact concepts and logically test hypothesis( 2021 ). In this developmenatl stage children think scientifically and logically and form hypothesis about their environments and also form theories to problem silve , in this stage they form ethical conduct and morality .
Perspectives in Suplemental care to transition into adulthood
Recent studies demonstrate that many adolescents abandon vists to church and religious and spiritual gatherings at the age of 13 years (MDI 2021) . Often because they feel that their needs are not being addressed . This I find disturbing as a clinician because by all accounts as stated above in the Formal operational stage in Jean Piagets Child Developmenat theory at this presise age is where children form ethical and moral behavior . If they abandon church and spiritual and religios gatherings how can they form these important developmenatal tasks to transition into adulthood successfully ? Children need spiritual health to build resiliency that allows them to navigate painlessly into young adulthood . Religious and spiritual health can serve as an elixer in society especially in adolescents .
Retrieved from http://www.SimplePsycholgy .com/piaget.htmlSimplePsycholgy.
(NIH) 2021 Youth Mental Health Disparities Conference . National Institute of Health .Retrieved from
Bradley ,J (2017) Understanding the differnt forms of child neglect .Rtreaved from
Stuckler,D & Basu, S(2021) What is Emotional Neglect? Retreaved from
American Academy of Pediatrics (2021) Child Abuse Rose During Covid Pandemic . Retrieved from http://www.US /news/health-news/articles/2021 Oct 8th/2021
Marynoll (2021) Caminando con Jesus Hoy . Misioneros . Retrieved from Revista de los Padres y Hermanos Marynoll . Sep /Oct 2020 Issue .
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