Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Friday, February 10, 2017

Sexual Violence in Youth


     Approximatly 8% or an estimated 10 million youth experience rape or attempted rape every year (,2017) . 0.7%or an estimated 791,000 experience either rape or attempted rape. 43% of the perpetrators were aquantences , 28.8% were current or former intimate partners  27.7% were family members  and only 10% were strangers. The elderly are abused through emotional and verbal abuse , discrimination on the bases of age and they also suffer sexual abuse through incest ,rape , and sexual coercion . In almost all studies of risk factors the community factor  which demonstrates social isolation as an identifier of elderly neglect .Isolation can be both  a cause or the result of elder abuse  and mistreatment . For older folks the consequences of mistreatment are very serious , older persons are physically weaker and more vulnerable  than younger adults (SAMSHA,2015) .The elderly also attempt  and commit suicide  in discriminant ways that may mimic cause of death as illness. What are some of the ways in which the elderly population commit suicide ?Most recent statistical data demonstrate that the elderly commit suicide every 97 seconds (,2016) which begs the question to reiterate "What are some of the ways in which the elderly commit suicide ?" . The title of the post relate to violence , but self harm is also a violent act and go against well being and spiritual health . Can community based organizations serve to ameliorate these profound issue in public health ? and is the separation of church and state a question for public health professionals to answer? With growing public health issues and a shortage of work force to address the stated issues these questions become pressing.  Continued discussions of the topic will be evaluated for the entire week to elucidate facts from perceived folkways in an effort to lower disease burden . Stay well .


CDC(2017) Injury Prevention & Control .Division of Violence Prevention .Retrieved from prevention/pdf/2012findings on SVin Youth.pdf

SAMSHA(2015) Tip 54 . Retrieved from