Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Critical Issues in Public Health: Women who experience domestic violence , what are the numbers .

     Every 9 seconds a woman is physically assaulted in the United States . Yearly 4.8 million domestic violence incidents are reported to public health officials and 25% of our females population are currently victims of domestic violence ( 2017). In addition each year  29 million men experience domestic violence  as well .In 2014 1,544 deaths were attributed  directly to domestic violence , of these numbers 75% of women and 25% of men were victims. In the year 1995 the financial burden of health care related costs of domestic violence was estimated at 5.8 billion dollars in 2005 that number was increased to 8.3 billion , and today the cost to health care is increasing ; this can also be attributed  to opioid abuse . These  numbers also reflect 25% of financial burden to lost revenue ; the reason for this is because about 25 to 30 percent of women who are victims of domestic violence work . One in every 8 pregnant women are also victims of domestic violence and in some states ; such as Louisianan were 1 in every 4 pregnant women are victims of domestic violence .  The HBM or health belief model is an excellent model that shows promising results in mitigating this public health issue because of its particular componants  . When applied to practice ; the practitioner can select specific applications from the model or follow the given sequence ; in addition it has also demonstrated results when applying its methodology to public health practice where program implementation and program evaluation are concerned. In addition to these ; this practitioner believes that when applied to the women in workforce setting it will demonstrate fine results in health prevention and promotion because the models application poses a goodness of fit that serve in practice application and prevention which results in cost effective public health .   

References Domestic Violence .Retrieved from
Pearl ,R(2017) Domestic Violence :The Secret Killer that Costs 8.3 Billion Annually .Forbes Magazine.Retrieved from 

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Asthma Prevalence and Economic Impact

Asthma is a disease that affects the lungs and usually stems from three dinamics that are physical and environmental in nature . The first trigger that occures during an asthma attack is is an increase  in histamine . Histamine is an immune modulator that increases when the organ system in this case the resperatory system detects an antigen in the environment ; such as polen . The second is a physical response to histamine ; the resperatory system reacts bu producing mucus to capture environmental particles ; and the third dinamic is trachial lumen decrease from within and an increase in mucus occuring simultaniously that accounts for the distinctive wheezing sound in the chest (Parker, 2013).
Triggers that exscerbate an asthma attack include airbourn allergens , airway infections , airbourn irritants , and exercise . Populations most at risk are children , women , black and multirace Americans and American Indians .  The CDC  National Asthma  Control Program was commenced in 2011 to address growing cases of asthma which were estimated at 7.1 million with 3,404 visits to the emergency room that resulted in 21 million dollars in health care revenue (,2017) . The number of reported cases has steadily increased since 1980 with the most rapid growth occuring from 1980 to 1996 . In 2007 20 million people ages 1 to 14 had asthma . The economic impact related to medical expenditures for  treating asthma increased from 48.6 billion to 50.1 billion about 3,300 per person with asthma diagnosis per year .


Parker, S (2013) The Body Book . Med Motion 

CDC(2017) National Asthma Control Program . Retrieved from /nwep.html          

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Alzheimers Disease Characteristics and Comparison

Late stages of Alzheimer' s disease occurs in people 65 years of age and over , and affects five million people. By age 71 16% of women are afflicted with the disease and 11% of males develop the disease (,2017). By the age of 80 at least 50% of people are diagnosed . Factors that expedite the diseases development include (1) life style , (2) genes , and (3) education . The term expedite are used because , since the disease is a heritable one we must  keep in mind that the above mentioned factors are merely environmental factors that contribute to the diseases development and must include nutrition as a co factor ; as well as environmental stressors . As has been discussed in previous works related to onset and chronic illness development such as diabetis which is also heritable stress levels plays a vital role in its development as noted in the epidemiological twin study performed by L Cruz entitled Diabetis Vs Obesity : A Twin Epidemiological Study 2015 ; stress played a significant role in the disease development and from all co morbid diseases evaluated stress were responsible for the development of a specific type of diabetis (Uncontrolled Type ) . So what characteristics does Alzheimer's disease poses that can significantly identify cases prior to the 20 year developmental stage ? well this is the stage prior to the late stage;  and usually accounts for populations at risk that are between 40 and 60 years of age . The best stage to provide persons at risk for the disease development because of genetic factors are the prodromal stage which is usually from the age of 30 to 40 ; if the person at risk consumes specific  nutrients between this 10 year age timeline they can lower or offset the diseases development by up to 50 % as seen in the randomized control trial performed by the same author . This is important as the data demonstrates that a growth in Alzheimer's cases of over 44% is expected by the year 2025 (Florida Department of Health ,2017) and currently the same state has over half a million cases . The financial burdon on family and in health system care is currently over 2,336 billion dollars and that number is expected to grow to over one trillion dollars . But the most insidious characteristic of this disease remain the manner in which it has the ability to affect surrounding lives ; the way in which it does this is through care provider exhaustion and depression ; this is insidious because it produces other diseases .

References (2017)Alzheimer' s Disease . Retrieved from http://www.RN,org (2017) Alzheimer's Disease .Retrived from   

Cruz, L (2015) Diabetis Vs Obesity : A Twin Epidemiological Study