Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Echo Psychology Responding to Biophsycosocial Behavior : Its not too Late.

As stated in previous pieces related to echo psychology and armed with a new  healthcare  framework related to the topic ,coming to terms with the fact that social and health determinants of health need tp be updated particularly post Covid 19 pandemic this small illustration of  how the framework can be applied to real  Biophycosocial problems using nudges  as  motivational insight is in itself a nudge
 ( .com 2020) The framewrk consists of the self in lifestyle ,the self in community , and the self in environment .This introduction to the framework provides insight for starting a conversation about health and what your own perception of health really is .

To understand the framework  its important to understand the definition of terms as well as knowing that the framework is an open one with bi directional daisy chains  this type of arrangement serves  for the attainment of scientific validity and organization of thought .  An example of utilizing a  nudge might be as simple as suggesting the use of Acerola as a remedy for  a cold or as an alternative to oranges . Why this nudge ? because when scarcity of sources to vitamin C become a problem ,particularly when the  objective is in the self and its protection  : using a nudge  such as Acerola becomes an important  factor in immunity to disease .

Acerola  are the best source of vitamin C in the planet . It is found in tropical climate such as Puerto Rico and Florida . Acerola are similar to the Cherry and  are sour and  lip smackjingly delicious. One single  Acerola berry contains 80 milligram of vitamin C  approximately 133 percent of the daily recommended dose ( Yeager ,2020) .  This illustration of applying a nudge in the community may be as simple as providing this commodity , this would be a community nudge in public health especially when resources are  scares and immunity strengthening are  desired .

The framework in healthcare  entitled The Echobiophsycological model will soon be made available in the form of a manual and its introduction to  the academic scene will be implemented soon as well , ,post application the existent determinants of health .


Echo-Phsycology (2020) retreaved from

Yeager,S(2020) The Doctors Book of Food Remedies . Prevention Health Books .