Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Monday, July 30, 2018

NAS rates increase to Alarming Rates . Public Health Administration Crisis Intervention

Methadon a full Mu-Opined agonist is the recommended treatment for opined dependence during pregnancy . Prenatal exposure to methadone is associated with a neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) characterized by Central Nervous System Hyper irritability and Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction , which often requires medication (NIH,2018). CDC data related to Neonatal Abstinence Syndrom implies an increase in cases . NAS rates increased five fold since the year 2000 . As of the year 2012  there was an average of one infant born with NAS  every twenty five minutes in the United States  accounting for an estimated 1.5 billion in health care spending .

Dramatic increase in Maternal Opined use and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome is very troublesome because  of the nature of its clinical characteristics ; a syndrome is a group of symptoms which involves intense medical interventions . In addition in the year 2012 when rates were rising the tally for yearly increase where 21,732 , as it stands these rates are alarming with one infant with NAS born every 25 minutes ; a scathing amount; and deeply disturbing in Public Health  .Opioid dependence during pregnancy is compounded by multiple risk factors contributing to adverse maternal , neonatal and long term developmental consequences . Improved treatment options should reduce the public health and medical costs associated with the treatment of neonates exposed to opioid which in 2008 was estimated at 70.6 million  to 112.6 million in the United States alone . Among the developmental issues involved in NAS cases public health need to evaluate future issues related to Social and Behavioral health that of future populations , future work force , future mental health of said exposed population and the fruition of chronic health conditions . During the 1980's public health administration were baffled by similar issues and this is well documented in such publications as : The Future of Public Health , published by The Academies Press .  What will the future population be like? , what will their conduct be ?  , what will be their moral system ? . These are all questions that pose extreme concern ; as it stands public health are scrambling to find homes for infants and children who's parents suffer from addiction with an increase in foster care as well .


CDC(2018) Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome . Centers for Disease Control

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMua 1005859 New England Journal of Medicine

Friday, July 20, 2018

Hyperbaric Chamber Treatment in Burn Victims and the Diabetic Wound : Efficiency in its Delivery .

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been promoted as an effective treatment for diabetic foot wounds  , and the first controlled trial for this indication was reported in the 1960s (ADA,2018). HBOT reduces the risk of amputation with an odds ratio of 0.24 which are very good measure outcomes in Psychometric. The rational for indicating measures as being one involving Psychometric is because any treatment involving human maneuvering is measured as Psychometric.  In the seven studies performed using the Hyperbaric chamber which were published in the 1980s all tests were proven to aid in wound healing , including control trials pre study . But concerns related to cost efficiency were noted as being six hour treatments at a rate of 50,000 to health insurance and 200,000 to private pay . Hyperbaric Chamber Therapy is also useful in treating burn victims ,particularly those who have suffered from inhalation injury such as endobronchial debre , inhaled toxins , and chemical burns (Hart et al, 1985) .Brochial cast or acute endobronchial debris and exudate can cause obstruction of distal airways contributing to ventilation -perfusion mismatches and secondary infection ; in addition it a well known clinical fact that  smoke inhalation causes hemorrhages in small blood vessels  which is often not diagnosed in Emergency room departments when smoke inhalation victims are triashed .   The physiological process of inhalation injury is complex and involves a variable and often unpredictable degree of direct local thermal and chemical exposure reactive immune response , systemic effects of inhaled toxins ; accrual of endo trachial debres , and secondary infection . HBOT is a useful and  cost effective intervention with burn victims because of nutritional factors . To better understand this rational one would have to understand Cellular Respiration  and Boyles Law. . Cellular respiration involves the equation of a chemical process called   Covalence where atoms collide to elicit a chemical reaction, in the case of cellular respiration the atoms involved are O2 + C6 H2O 6 these are one oxygen and one glucose ; these atoms collide with CO2+ H20 + ATP or one Carbon Dioxide , one Oxygen , and one ATP or energy. The atoms co vales to form necessary states and enter into the cell with the assistance of the Mitochondria  Boyles Law states that at a constant temperature and at an atmospheric pressure of no more than 30 feet this covalence will not suffer any changes and thus tissue damage will not occur . Why is this important in the treatment of the diabetic patient and burn victim ? . Because the single most important factor in the success of the treatment are related to Nutritional status . This is true because ATP are micro molecules or glucose chains , and the burn victims sole issue in clinical practice are protein loss.  For this reason Nutritional stability need to be present in the individual being treated with the Hyperbaric Chamber as to permit convalece between the atoms , ATP and the mitochondria .


Lipski, B.A Berendt,A.B ( 2010) Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Diabetic Foot Wounds . American Diabetic Association . Retrieved from

Hart,G.B ; Strauss , M.B ; Lemon,P.A & Daniel,D (1985) Treatment of Smoke Inhalation by Hyperbaric Oxygene . Journal of Emergency Medicine  vol 5 Issue 3     

Friday, July 6, 2018

Cost of Data Breeches :Past Present and Future in Public Health .

In the year 2014 the United States was rocked by several large data breaches ; when we appraise data breaches we take into consideration intent , motivation , target , and typology , Previously consumers rarely thought about the security on their credit or debit card ; but all that changed when Target stores reported that 400 million debit and credit card numbers had been stolen during the holiday shopping time in 2014 . This incident both rocked the United States and was a catalyst for cyber crimes analysis . In January of the year 2013 Neiman Marcus was hacked resulting in the breach of consumer information credit and debit card information ; this hack lasted until October of 2013 and was notably affected in store consumer purchase and not in online purchases .Originally the store estimated that at least 1.1 mullion cardholders were affected (Harde,K 2014) . In august of the year 2015 Community Health Systems reported that 4.5 million patient data had been hacked ina cyber attack that resulted in the breach of social security data , patient Identification , and other related data . CHS reported that this breach may have been unforeseen for up to five years .in filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission the Company said no credit card numbers were exposed (Forbes .com, 2016) . In another data breach incident involving E bay 145 million users  were compromised from data breaches and yet in another incident Equifax was also compromised when they lost  consumers social security data , birth dates , and addresses to a hacking incident including drivers license data of more than 145 million consumers of these 209,000 credit card data were exposed (, 2015) . Fortune Magazine also reported  that one of the biggest data thefts had taken place in a health corporation )Anthem) were the results of a nation wide investigation demonstrated that 78.8 million  patients data had been exposed to hacking resulting in the data breach of the Century ; costing the health care company over 100 million dollars in governmental fines .  This was a very big issue to those of use constructing Nursing Software , regulating Nurse vocabulary and compiling IT health care net works that both met the challenges of the recently implemented CMS HIT or Centers for Medicaid Health Information (EMR) System and New ICD 9 EMR at the time it seemed as though we were in a constant do over . Today reports from the Pokemon Institute are as follows : IBM Security , Hewlett Packard Security and Voltage have managed to lower the breach in financial and health data by implementing data systems that meet current challenges  to data security and cyber attacks . The way in which this was accomplished were by performing a thorough transnational study entitled : The 2017 cost of data breach study global overview in this study the cohort consisted of 419 companies researched for data breach and the participatory interventions resulted in a decrease  from 4.00 to 3.62 million the average cost for each lost or stolen record containing sensitive and confidential information . In the year 2016 there was also a decrease from 158 tp 141 million in expenditures of data breach interventions (Ponemon ,2018) Despite the decrease in cost for data loss there still remains an increase of 1.8% in data breaches . Public Health concerns in data breaches and cyber attack surveillance and prevention are guided towards securing Utilities Grid performance , Safety and in Administrative accountability ( Shi & Johnson,2017) combining public health systems and engineering  to secure public health .


Forbes(2018) Money Builder . Retrieved from http://www. forbes .com /sites /money  builder/2015/01/13 the-big -data -breaches -of2014/4/001eed1efe6

CSD (2018)The 17  biggest data breaches of the 21st century.Retrieved from http://www.csd

Ponemon (2018)2017 Cost of Data Breach Study Global Overview . IBM Securities for the Ponemon Institute

Shi, L & Johnson, J.A(2016) Novick & Morrows Public Health Administration .Principles for Population Based Management . Bartlett Jones Publishing