Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Proactive and Reactive Aggressive Behavior : Brain Regions , Exposure or Heredity .

An important distinction between proactive and reactive aggression is the basic idea that proactive people use violence to get what they want out of life ; and example of this might be a child who bullies to get money games or candy (Raine, 2013). Proactive aggressive people plan ahead , they are regulated , controlled and driven y the reward that are either external and material or internal and psychological .  According to author Raine Pro actives are cold blooded and dispassionate ; conversely Reactive aggressive persons are more of blooded individuals in the face of proactive stimulus . The cerebral areas responsible for proactive aggression is the prefrontal lobe  specifically  the ventral lobe which is a sub region of the prefrontal lobe . The reactive aggressive person has very little stimulus in the ventral region ; in contrast the preditory personality has very little prefrontal regulation activation.

The Theory of Personality designed by the Psychoanalyst Sigmond Freud catagorizes the stages of human development as (1) oral phase (2) anal phase (3) phalic sage , and the latency stage . The limbic system is the site of the emotions and the ore primitive parts of our neural makeup ; while the hippocampus moderates and regulates aggression and when stimulated sets in motion preditory attack .Social factors interact with biological factors factors to increase a propensity for violence they also moderate the relationship.
So what significance or rather correlation does developing either a proactive aggressive or reactive aggressive personality have to the stages of Sigmond Feuds  theory ? When we analyze both in a gestaltic fashion . Lets view the following hypothesis : In general children learn much from the observation of modeled behavior .

Public Health Hypothesis using theory and clinical cephalic parenchyma regions . 
we might predict that there should be a greater  range of aggressive behavior among those children who watch the more aggressive programs, from exposure . Not necessarily. Why is this ? and what significance again does the stages of personality development have upon this premise; because as the author Raine accurately enunciates in her multiple studies , the childs brain completes its development by the age of six , this also correlates with the most significant concepts in Sigmond Freuds stages . The overarching rational is brain encoding by children ; where the child although cannot articulate by proxy learned behavior , this aggressive behavior whether proactive or reactive might be learned and encoded by such factors or exposure to factors in his or her immidiate environment by observing for example (1) care giver behavior (Parental behavior (3) characters in television ( 4) or even from others in their environment out side of the home setting . There for our hypothesis mentioned above would be either an alternate hypothesis ; but appears as a null one . The premisis stated in this minor analysis are both interesting and up for further study .  Questions related to genetic variations that influence personality development as well as environmental exposure merit evaluation

Raine, A(2013) The Anatomy of Violence : The Biological Roots of Crime. Pantheon Books New York
Jung,J (1982) The Experimentors Challenge : Methods and Issues in Psychological Research . California State University                       


Saturday, July 8, 2017

Economic Burden of Road Rage

The Centers for Disease Control has  reported more than 2.5 million drivers and passengers treated  in emergency departments as a result of injury sustained in motor vehicle accidents in the year 2012(,2017). This data which were derived from case counts tallied and presented as morbidity rates date back to 2012 , but when observing driver behavior we can assert that this data although very good data certainly can be updated merely because and if not only to really estimate what is observed on Americas roads ; driver behavior noted as (1) road rage , (2)  multiple car bullying is of great concern to public health as a whole and to clinicians who treat the injured . The economic impact is also notable ; in a one year period the cost of medical care and of productivity losses associated with injuries exceeded 80 million dollars.  Some of the causes related to increases in both  economic expenditures and in sustained injuries include  impaired driving and distracted driving . Distracted driving is driver conduct ; and behavior which may also be viewed as neglectful  . This behavior includes texting , and other conduct that distracts the driver . Impaired driving is related to driving under the influence of alcohol , illicit drugs , or opioids (,2017).  The number one state with the highest motor vehicle accident death rate were Texas with over 25,017, the second highest death rate from motor vehicle accidents are in California with 23,125, and the third highest death rate are in Florida  with 17862 .  he states with the least death rates from motor vehicle accidents are the district of Columbia and Wyoming. In other data related to the topic every day 28 people in the United States die in motor vehicle accidents this is one death every 51 minutes .The annual cost of alcohol related crashes total more than 44 billion dollars . Driver education that aids in avoiding vehicular accidents includes using your signal lights , never pass another driver on the right , yield the right of way and change lanes completely to pass a motorcycle or moped. Another  very well documented issue directly tied to motor vehicle accidents is addiction to opioids steaming from injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents . This is called cross addiction and it occurs during pain management with opioids during pharmacotherepy /. It is also important to mention that the burden of disease and cost of opioid addiction is currently sky rocketing as well and estimated as being more than 90 million dollars a year .

CDC(2017)Motor Vehicle Accidents.  Centers for Disease Control . Winnable Battles                                         

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Workplace Aggression and or Toxic Environments

Violence can occur in any workplace and among any type of worker ; but the risk for fatal violence is grater  in sales ,protective services and in transportation, while the risk of non fatal violence resulting in days away from work is greatest for healthcare and social assistance ( . According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 409 workers in private industry and government were workplace homocide victims in he year 2014. 83% were males and 49% were females  32% worked in retail establishments. Total fatal injuries in 2014 were estimated to be 4,821 with 183 of these in the mining industry ,899 in construction , 349 in manufacturing , 1,246 in transportation and utilities , 766 in warehouses and 177 in financial institutions ; as well as 425 in professional and business services . Among some of the behaviors identified as precursors to violence in the workplace are (1) ambivalence (2) bullying and (3) stress and high workplace demands (NIOSH,2017) . Occupational aggression is the act or the threat of violence which may range from verbal to physical assaults directed towards personnel at work or on duty. One of the leading misconceptions about work place aggression is that the personnel that chose to leave this type of environment is the toxic carrier when in fact the toxic carrier rarely does so , this leads to high rates of turn over ; ineffective returns in training expenditures and loss of good personnel . Some of the terminology involved in identifying worker conduct are for example the steamroller, the sniper and or the compliant server who says yes to everything asked of him or her  while the steamroller is a worker who is extreamly aggressive and demanding and uses the threat of violence or other means to obtain what he or she desires . Another consequence related to toxic work environments are health related ; these often end up or can end in punitive damages ,PTSD , nevus breakdowns or depression . Assessments related to quality of service often serve to identify a toxic work environment , this is often very evident when the leader of the work team is the toxic carrier ; this has financial and long lasting implications ; such as for instance in temporary workers who withhold passwords bestowed to him or her  as part of his work duties and uses these to gain access and cause damage to work infrastructure activities . Another form of more subtle aggression are the passive aggressive individual who uses subtleties to exclude another worker from for instance meetings, emails ,  and other work activities that are carried out in a team fashion , always by accident of course. The best way to address these very important issues in public health are by being rigorous in productivity and performance evaluations , keeping close relationships with the workforce team and quickly addressing issues as they arise . An important factor when addressing these issues are that this type of aggression which begins in the work place can flow outside of the work place as well ; for this reason it is important to quickly identify work related problems and address these in a timely fashion .

CDC(2017) occupational Agression . The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH Retrieved from htp://