Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Traditional Chinese Medicine : Bitter Orange as an Alternative in the Treatment of Mood Disorders .

Traditional Chinese  Medicine or TCM is an ancient science although it became known in the west during the 1930's .TCM is more than four thousand years old according to relics, and historical documents acupuncture is also utilized as an accompaniment to TCM   . Traditional Chinese  Medicine dates back to the Neolithia period as well  as the oldest writing on TCM which dates back to the eleventh century BC  (Luengo , L.T & Ariso , C.M   2005).  Since the 1970;s the World Health Organization began to pay attention  to and   cmhc,s success in solving there health problems so that in the 1970' s it created the promotion and development  on traditional medicine programs . Today as TCM is becoming better known in the west scientists and doctors from Chinese hospitals and Universities conduct rigorous scientific studies on the efficiency and safety of different scientific studies on the efficiency treatment and safety of different therapeutic   (Herbal) medicine .

Bitter Orange for Mood 

There are many types of citrus from Bitter Orange to Mandarin Oranges as well as Valencia Oranges  and Tangerines . Bitter Orange is an effective Citrus fruit that is very much used for medicinal purposes in many regions of the world . Bitter orange is used to serve as a holistic treatment option in Liver Cirrhosis to treat Jaundice . Bitter Orange is also used to treat mood disorders  such as stress disorder , anxiety and depression .


Luengo, T.M & Ariso, C.M (2015) Medicinal Plants at Home : More than 100 Easy Practical , and Efficient Natural Remedies .

Monday, May 13, 2019

Antidotes par Levels in Hospital Pharmacy : An E.R Nurse Experience with Spider Bites.

Identifying a spider bite is easier if you can identify the spider , this how ever may go unnoticed by the victim of a spiders bite . More than 40,000 species of spiders have been identified in the world .Spiders bite is a common problem among people ,however few of them are harmful but delay in treatment can cause death since the spider bites are risk full to humans they should be taken seriously (Rahmani,  et al 2014) . Non venomous spiders include the Brown Recluse ,while venomous spiders include  the Northern Widow spider ,the Southern Widow spider, the Tarantula , and the the Brown Widow spider . There are two other Recluse spiders that are not venomous these include the Mediterranean Recluse and the  Chilean Recluse .

 The majority of the 3,000 spiders in the United States aren't poisonous even if they manage to bite there fangs are two weak to penetrate the skin . The symptoms of a spiders bite include (1) itchy skin (2) redness (3)  swelling ,and (4) Skin damage ,as well as a rash in the affected area .Other possible symptoms include pain ,muscle aches ,vesicles , and nausea . Complications from  a spiders bite include chills , anxiety, High blood pressure, necrosis, gangrene , amputation of the affected area and cellulitis or systemic blood infection or sepsis.

 Treatment for a spiders bite are as follows : elevating the affected area , doses of antihistamine or benedryl , antibiotic ointment and  ice pack   It is also noteworthy to state that most bites stem from a persons inadvertently putting on a pair of shoes were a spider might be present . There for it is wise to check shoes before placing them on the feet . Antidote par levels should always be maintained within the hospital setting  and public health poison control agencies may periodically perform public health awareness through media ,chats and patient education . Spiders make excellent companions and are loved by children and adults ,they spin beautiful webs  and contribute to environmental stability .


Rahman, F ; Mahdi, Khojasteh,S ; Bakhtavar, M.E ; Rahmani, F ; Nia,K.S ; & Faridaalaee, G (2014) Poisonous Spiders ; Bites , Symptoms, and Treatment , An Educational Review . Emergency 2(2) pg 54-58

Retrieved from


Tuesday, May 7, 2019

An Analysis of African American Woman ,Aids in African Males who have Sex with Males and Marriage:

In 2006 Millett published a seminal literature review that examined 12 hypothesis that explored the causality for high rates of HIV among black MSM  or males who have sex with other males . The article published by Millett examined a broad spectrum of social and behavioral factors which contribute to high rates of HIV and AIDS in the African American  Population in particular  MSM . Among these factors were adherence to treatment , health seeking behavior , use of prophylaxis , undiagnosed HIV and AIDS  and other related factors  .We found evidence that the difference in rates of HIV between black and white MSM may be explained by differences in STI ,undiagnosed seropositivity , access to care and treatment services , and use of HAART. There is an overwhelming need of HIV testing ,linkages to care ,retention in care , and adherence programs for black MSM (Millett, et al 2014)  According to the World Health Organization there are an estimated 25.7 million people currently infected with HIV and AIDS in the Continent of Africa ,which means that there are 25 million people infected with HIV and AIDS in Africa .  A current fact sheet related to the topic and spearheaded by WHO provide interesting statistical data with regards to HIV and AIDS in the continent of Africa . Fact one is as follows : HIV continues to be a major global issue , having claimed more than 35 million lives so far,in 2017 940,000 people died from HIV related causes globally.  Fact rwo : 59% of adults and 52% of children living with HIV were receiving lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART) in 2017 .  Fact Three :Globally the African region also accounts for over two thirds of the global total of new HIV infections . With all of the facts and evidence surrounding the African American Population it is note worthy to ask the obvious question , how do African American Women feel about the topic and do they consider the topic MSM  in the African American Male Population something to be concerned about when selecting a mate ?. In 2016 only 29% of African Americans were married ,also in 2016 just under half or 48% of black women had never been married which is up from 44% in 2008 and 42% in 2005 . As it stands half or 50% of African Americans have never been married , this is a bit perplexing because as stated previously MSM in black males may be a great deterrent to matrimony .There is a reason why Matrimony is called Matrimony ,because there actually Money involved married persons contribute to the economy by more than one third because they make house . What say you ?

References -in-black-americans HIV/AIDS Fact Sheet

Maulsby, C,Millett, G. Lindsey, K . Kelley, K . Johnson,K,  Montoya ,D & Holgrave , D (2014) AIds and Behaivior vol18 Issue 1