Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Monday, October 19, 2020

What is Positive Psychology ?

 The origin of Positive Psychology is traced back to Abraham Maslow when the Psychologist published the book entitled Motivation and Personality in 1954. The Founders of Positive Psychology recognized that traditional Psychology was mostly Weakness Oriented ( Snyder et al, 2014) . The fields work includes three levels of research which are    1) the Subjective level , 2) the Individual level and 3)  the Group level .   The postulates of Positive Psychology are many and' research performed using the concepts has demonstrated effective outcomes for many research projects . 

Here we will discuss PERMA theory and its concepts  which was developed by Martin Seligman . Martin Seligman became President of (APA) American Psychological Association enabling him to pioneer the new field of Positive Psychology in 1971 . There are many theories found with in the field of Positive Psychology itself , however PERMA theory still remains an effective tool in capacity building . PERMA construct of Well being can be attained through the PERMA pathways . 

P- Positive Emotions E-Engagement R-Relationships M-Meaning A-Accomplishment   

As the science disseminates there are some issues that arise by virtue of the fields immaturity while the breadth of research undertaken is substantial (Rusk & Waters , 2013) there is tension between the depth of research and the desire for real world application . The postulates in this instance can be applied to enhance teamwork . Positive Emotions can aid in defusing stress related to teamwork dynamics ; moreover Positive Emotions  reduce anxiety and are necessary to engage   in teamwork oriented tasks and production as well as successful achievement of said tasks  . Engagement theme can be applied to individuals by allowing participation in activities and by evaluating post activity performance .Positive Relationships can be developed through the application of Engagement theme. Meaning application through the application of postulates mention previously  and Accomplishment is produced with the application of work activities where the PERMA theory has been applied and graded.


Maslow , A (1956) Motivation and Personality . Harper & Row New York NY 

Retrieved From http://www.Cambridge .org Carebooks 



Sunday, May 31, 2020

Echo Psychology Responding to Biophsycosocial Behavior : Its not too Late.

As stated in previous pieces related to echo psychology and armed with a new  healthcare  framework related to the topic ,coming to terms with the fact that social and health determinants of health need tp be updated particularly post Covid 19 pandemic this small illustration of  how the framework can be applied to real  Biophycosocial problems using nudges  as  motivational insight is in itself a nudge
 ( .com 2020) The framewrk consists of the self in lifestyle ,the self in community , and the self in environment .This introduction to the framework provides insight for starting a conversation about health and what your own perception of health really is .

To understand the framework  its important to understand the definition of terms as well as knowing that the framework is an open one with bi directional daisy chains  this type of arrangement serves  for the attainment of scientific validity and organization of thought .  An example of utilizing a  nudge might be as simple as suggesting the use of Acerola as a remedy for  a cold or as an alternative to oranges . Why this nudge ? because when scarcity of sources to vitamin C become a problem ,particularly when the  objective is in the self and its protection  : using a nudge  such as Acerola becomes an important  factor in immunity to disease .

Acerola  are the best source of vitamin C in the planet . It is found in tropical climate such as Puerto Rico and Florida . Acerola are similar to the Cherry and  are sour and  lip smackjingly delicious. One single  Acerola berry contains 80 milligram of vitamin C  approximately 133 percent of the daily recommended dose ( Yeager ,2020) .  This illustration of applying a nudge in the community may be as simple as providing this commodity , this would be a community nudge in public health especially when resources are  scares and immunity strengthening are  desired .

The framework in healthcare  entitled The Echobiophsycological model will soon be made available in the form of a manual and its introduction to  the academic scene will be implemented soon as well , ,post application the existent determinants of health .


Echo-Phsycology (2020) retreaved from

Yeager,S(2020) The Doctors Book of Food Remedies . Prevention Health Books .

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Disease Diplomacy and Its Role in Health Attainment : Public Health Perspectives

Disease diplomacy and International Commerce are the origens of International Sanitary Regulations  in the nineteenth century  Harrison,2005) . European Nations in collaboration with other nations were responsible for starting a diplomatic process  that culminated in the International Sanitary Conference which gave rise to the first laws on infection control and disease modification .While commercial pressures were the main stimuli on the reform of quarantine these were insufficient in themselves to explain why most European Nations came to see greater cooperation as desirable .  The norm life cycle from Finnemore and Sikkink provides stages 1,2, and 3 which form rules for implementing International and Global Health Security  Stage 3 is the stage in which we find ourselves with regards to the Covid 19 contamination . In this stage of the Finnemore model Law , Bureaucracy and Professions are the actors and Society builds capacity and conformity with new behaviors as well as adaption   It is important to note that through the ages Governments and Rulers have been forced to consider the best ways of protecting their populations from disease ( Davis : Scott : and Rushton 2020) . It is also important to note that threats to health have never respected human imposed borders which is why behavior modification is the best approach to implement  safety and security in health attainment . Strategies employed are varied and some will be discoed here today.  The first of course is behavior modification , behavior modification are all the things that people do to ward of illness .For example if you suffer from Asthma this would include such things as taking your medication , or dusting ,or wearing appropriate attire for the appropriate weather . This is behavior and all the things that  people do to ward of illness says alot about you . Another behavior that says alot about you is Hellenistic view  of diseases . Hellanistic views of disease are behavior that stem from Ancient Greek Medicine  these behavior include Spiritual distress , Superstition and inappropriate responses to behavior modification , such as believing that disease or infection is a punishment from god . In the case of Covid 19 Hellaniistic views would include desiring the uncrowing of Queen Elizabeth because you believe that she is the cause of Corona virus which is very funny but not far fetched . So what is behavior modification with regards to Covid 19 ? . It is behavior expected in response to a respiratory virus that has the potential of  making you very ill very fast.   Some of these behavior which should be newly adapted are norm change readiness , compliance with recommended levels of protection , knowledge attainment , and capacity building .  Noncombatant Immunity is the desired behavior until vaccine are implemented .

Davis , F.S : Rushton , S and Scott ,A.K(2020) Disease Diplomacy . International Norms and Global Health Security John Hopkins University .

Harrison , M (2005) Disease , diplomacy and International Sanitary Regulations in the Nineteenth Century . Journal of Global History vol 1 Issue 2


Monday, February 24, 2020

Medicinal Marijuana in Conjunction with Digital Health :The Future of Public Health Interventions with the Elderly .

Our population is aging . Approximately 75 million Americans will be over the age of 65 by the year 2030 (Everette,2020) .Additionally a 2012 study performed by the Institute of Medicine IOM found that approximately one in five older adults experience mental health illness ;that ratio should it still exist by the year 2030 would equate to 15 million people . This ratio raises several questions for the future of Gerontology and Public Health , The first question that arises is ? What mental health interventions are most efficient in addressing this population , the next question is ? will digital health be an adequate intervention to meet the challenges of our impending future. Digital health is one of the fastest growing segments of the health care industry . There is an incredible demand for more convenient and integrated ways to treat the elder population . Tom Mihalievia :president of Clevland Clinic who is actively deploying a tele health platform to provide  broad access to high activity care services across a rang of medical specialties is on the right track ;and in congruence with President Trump  Administration to provide services to rural areas that would other wise suffer from deficiencies in care and disparities in health care services (Donavan,2020). Another fast approaching demand in Gerontological care is Medicinal Marijuana approved in 20 states and the district of Columbia Medicinal Marijuana is used widely by persons with cronic conditions ,,although there has been little research in the benefits of medicinal marijuana (Harvard Health , 20202) medicinal marijuana in conjunction with digital health can prove to be a combination therapy to address such conditions as Depression ,Cronic substance abuse ,and Anxiety Disorder or GAS . On December 6th 2019 the Trump Administration implemented the Telehealth Resource Center Network to Rural regions of the US ( RUS)  Rural Utilities Services applies Broad Band Services to increase economic development and Medical care is not the exception to this latest public health intervention : infact rural regions are often plagued with discrepancies in care ;particularly continuity of care because of transportation issues  . These interventions are in conjunction with modern technology , cost effectiveness in health care ,and are also in congruence  with HIPPA rules , because they comply with privacy in care ;especially if the client does not wish to disclose his or her condition because of fear of stigmatization .These interventions are very promising within a long term basis they decrease health care expenditures, and at the same time address transportation issues to reduce (No Shows) because of Climate Change , Natural Disasters and Poor Transportation availability at a clinical level. In addition Digital health can assists  person lets say with Paranoid Schizophrenia, Personality Disorder or Bipolarism  who can not leave the home because of feelings of ailment or inadequacy Digital Health serves as a mechanism of outreach to care . In closing Medicinal Marijuana has been proven to reduce secondary effects from Cronic Disease ,Chemotherapy , Suicide and can also serve its therapeutic effect in reducing damages from Mental illness such as changes in brain matter from long standing mental illness . .


 retrieved from http;// .edu /staying healthy/medical -marijuana-know-the -facts Harvard Health Publishing

HRSA(2020) Rural Utilities Services . RUS Rural Utilities Services USA

Nature (2020) Dile Adios a la Depresion Con Cannabis Medicinal . Nature Magazine Puerto Rico

Donavan ,F(2020) Digital Health USA

Everette,F (2020)   Digital Health Institute of Medicine IOM ,

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Ecopsychology Vs Environmental Mimicry : Define wellbeing ?

Ecology studies the  relationship between human beings and natural environmental through both ecological and psychological principles ( Eco psychology 2020). Eco psychology  applies ecological and psychological theories and research methodology to study the relationship between people and the natural world : The focus being on well being attainment . Eco psychology seeks to develop and understand ways of expanding the emotional connection between individuals and the natural environment ;there by assisting individuals  with developing sustainable lifestyles and premeditating alienation from nature itself . Eco psychology has its social and mental health foundation through positive psychology .and is experiencing rapid growth . For those who have never heard of positive psychology , its concepts stem from fostering in ones life a positive human functioning through scientific understanding that positive is more productive than despair  and ;that this attitude builds thriving individuals ,families and communities( ICE 2020)  Can eco psychology foster personalized medicine ? .Perhaps through environmental mimicry. Environmental mimicry  is a distinct branch of holistic interventions which may be primary ,secondary or Tertiary in nature . A good example of environmental mimicry is what I coined as ceasing the teachable moment ,This intervention was produced during the last decade .Its official term today is a "Nudge " .Let me explain the science behind Environmental mimicry . a Nudge is a gentle in obtrusive way of pushing people inthe right direction ;but this nudge must be performed by  individuals who hold expertise in Eco psychology or Ecology .It is the same as ceasing the teachable moment ( 2020) This mechanism's of great importance to public health because it may assist in teaching climate change adaptation and particularly in Health prevention and promotion  . It is important to note that well being usually includes excellent financial acumen and a healthy lifestyle ;can eco psychology and or environmental mimicry assist in well being attainment ? Perhaps. 


Retrieved from http:

Retreived from http:www.ecopsychology,info .com