Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Experimentors Challenge : Scientific and Scholarly Writing .

New experiments are often designed to provide evidence that may support explanation reconciling conflicting experiments in the research literature dealing with a particular problem. An example of this can be found in the study performed by authors  Mathis, Sheir , Brunsen  & Carducci (1980) where dealing with the effects of predictable and unpredictable patterns of aversive stimulation on the experience of negative physical symptoms , such as shortness of breath , ringing ears ,watery eyes, sweaty hands , flushed face and stiff muscles(Jung , 1999) The described symptomatic can be misleading and or conflicting where scientific writing is concerned . Performing a scientific study is only half of the scientists duty and of his or her knowledge base . Simply because the researcher has completed a research study  this does qualify said research study for publishing. . A  researcher may find  multiple issues when writing a research paper , this may also be further hindered when translating said paper to another language and or submitting this paper to peer review  for publishing particularly when a construct tool , method  causal links, or time series are involved in the research tasks interpretation may be difficult and also the research conclusion ( Baker , 1999) . Larkin , Dierk & Shotman also provide insights with regard to scientific research writing in descriptive study designs which bear a large weight on studies that usually succumb to the stipulated issues mentioned above when they write the following [ Focus on the translation and validation of measurement instruction has left a gap in the discussion on how to construct multilingual qualitative tools , such as interviews , methods of forward and backwards  translations have been criticized for weak conceptual equivalence ; a crucial issues when multiple language interview methods are used ]. There critique of an example study design is the following :Through the creative arts metaphor of weaving , the author  of the evaluated study described an  alternative process of multi centric translation used in the development of interview guide designed to explore the impact of translation of palliative care patients in six different countries . Four identified core construct illuminate this multi centric process; cohesion , congruence , clarity , and courtesy. Mutual reciprocity between researcher and translator offers greater possibility for construction of nuance and meaning particularly where cultural parameters influence the collection of  sensitive data from vulnerable populations. Scholarly work is detrimental to producing healthy populations and it begins with a clean research design and ends with rigorous scientific writing , especially when social and behavioral science are a focus within a research design this must always remain unbiased and ethical .


Baker, T (1999) Doing Social Research 3rd ed Mc Graw Hill Publishings

Jung, J (1982) The Experimentors Challenge: Methods and Issues in Psychological Research . Mc Millan Publishing New York.

Larkin,F.J ; Dierk de Costieri B ; & Shotman, P (2007) Multilingual Translation :Issues in Qualitative Research . Reflections on a Metaphorical Process. Pub Med                                       

Thursday, April 19, 2018

BED Binge Eating Disorder .Is it related to diabetes and other diseases?

Bing eating disorder is characterized by the ingestion of very large meals with out purging afterward .This disease is often found in a subset of individuals who suffer from obesity or morbid obesity. With the development of this disease the stomachs capacity is greater in some subjects then that of leaner individuals in fact ; a study performed by Geiliebter in the year 2004 where three groups were compared the first group which consisted of 11 BED cases , the second group were 13 sub threshold BED cases , and the third group were that  that the BED group had the largest stomach compliance to pressure  with a rate of P=02 . Geiliebter utilized two methods to prove is hypothesis ; the first was the evaluation of appititive hormones  such as  , CCK, leptin , glucose , glucogon , and insulin pre and post test. The second method used were intragastric balloon test to measure stomach compliance to pressure in all of the groups tested ( Geiiebter et al, 2004) .
The BED group demonstrated a larger stomach compliance to pressure. This was demonstrated by the analysis with intragastric balloon and corroborated with chemical analysis of appititive hormones.  Although  three groups were selected for study inclusion , these were selected to fit a study criteria . The criteria for inclusion were based on BMI and not other variables such as age , race , or social variables  such as economic status.   The sub threshold group were used as a baseline to evaluate both leaner individuals and those whom were obese . The outcome of the study demonstrated that the cause obesity is not heredity , diabetes , or age , because the individuals increased stomach tensor muscles when ad-libitum binge eating were permitted thereby self increasing stomach compliance pressure .

Obesity development is associated with the reward centers of the brain and is a psychosomatic disease rather than a psycho social one , and diabetes is not the cause of obesity .Diabetes development is however associated with obesity. 

Geiliebter, A ; Yahov, E.K ;  Yluck , M.E & Hasim, S.A (2004) Gastric Capacity, test meal intake , and appititive hormons in binge eating disorder. Springer Publishings USA           

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Shea Butter as a preventative method in the development of Skin Cancer, Sleroderma and Ptergium

Skin cancer is seen as one of the most hazardous forms of cancer found in humans . The most common skin cancers include Melanoma , Squamous cell carcinoma , and Basel cell carcinoma  with  Melanoma being the most unpredictable (Rao,2016) . Systemic Sclerosis or Scleroderma is a form of progressive fibrosis that occurs when excessive amounts of collagen are deposited in skin tissue leading to pathogenesis in organ function . The characteristics of the disease are continued vascular constriction ;including the small vessels that surround organs . Most of the diseases described can be attributed to UVA exposure . Another disease that develops in humans and that can also be attributed to UVA exposure is Ptergium , Ptergium is a degenerative disease that affects ocular function it proliferates the sclera of the eye (Tan et al ,1999). The symptoms of Ptergium include cellular changes in the medial limbus of the cornea. It is interesting to note that Basel cell and Squamous cell carcinomas are of a superficial nature , and Melanomas are cancer types that metastasize whereas Basel cell and Squamous cell cancers do not they literally burr a hole in the affected site , but do not act systemically. Prevention seems to be the best mode and approach to addressing skin cancer and Ptergium . Recently the question of preventative methods was evaluated particularly with climate change considerations , nutritional considerations , and environmental consideration made to not only establish best practice methods but to make recommendations in public health which are efficacious  and cost effective . Shea butter is one treatment alternative  which is currently being analyzed  for its healing properties .  One of shea butters qualities is called Tocopherol , tocopherol is a type of vitamin E that is found in Shea butter ; tocopherol is derived from vegetable oils . Shea butter eliminates inflammation , protects the skins surface from free radicals in the environment and is a natural antioxidant ; the fact that it also acts as an anti inflammatory is no surprise because Vitamin E is prescribed for burn victims as a topical remedy and usually recommended from Aloe Vera . The way in which aloe vera works is striking because it literally pulls blood to the affected area so that immune response can be had and the bodies natural healing processes can proceed. This can also be observed then when applying Shea butter ; further tocopherol is known as an antioxidant that provides for the skin since 96% of the skins natural antioxidant defense system  is also derived from tocopherol which is consumed from plant foods . So why is Shea butter being recommended as a public health measure fro the three diseases described in this issue , because it serves to protect the skins surface from UVA rays to prevent the development of skin cancer , and because it serves to deter inflammatory processes that are a byproduct of collagen deposition in Sleroderma and maintains the skin moisturized all year around

References /10.1002/art.178230510

Jimenez,S.A & Hitraya,E (2015) Pathogenesis of Sleroderma. Rheumatic Disease Clinics.

Saw, S.A & Tan , D (1999) Ptergium Prevalence ,Demography and Risk Factors .Opthalmic Epidemiology vol 6 Issue 3

MaKeish, N.D (2012) Medical Benefits of the Shea Butter Nut Tree .Digital Scholarship .Tennessee State University.