Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Using Toxicology to Evaluate Topography with Quick Test .

Biological strains found at a crime scene are basically intended for DNA identification and to perform toxicological testing ; how ever these processes can also provide additional information to the practitioner . Foe example , toxicology testing of urine samples can also be used to differentiate recent pathological strains from older strains , they can also be used to analyze variations in  environmental issues , and can also serve to detect  variations in drug additives (Castello , Navarro, Banon & Verdu ; 2008) . The examination of urine samples in criminalistics is mainly reserved for identification purposes   ; using DNA analysis how ever; in other situations in legal conflict can be used to establish other circumstances that may have occured . One of which are the possible use of toxic material to force the victims of some crimes to yield .

Cases for Evaluation
1- Mistreatment of children and the Elderly
the analysis of urine examines strains that may be found in victims personal items;  and can be utilized to provide  answers with regard to exposure .
2-DFSA or drug fascilitated sexual assault .
traces of drug administered to weaken victims resistance can be detected using urine samples .
3- Missing persons cases
in the case of missing persons urine samples can serve to examine the unfolding of events and their timelines .

As a result , we assert from the above examples in toxicology use;  urine samples which were once  viewed as insignificant and or weak evidence were criminal cases are concerened have now become an aquishable form of sustaining  evidence . Most recently Quick Kit/see TM Multidrug screen panal from bio rad ;introduced into the market serve to provide qualitative immuno essay test for detecting for phenocyclodine , barbiturates , amphetamines and benzodyzapines ; as well as tricyciclic antidepressants  and morphine in urine .
Samples yield traces measured in nanograms which are countermeasured by time line to exposure and which are usually standardized as 7-15 days presence in urine have now been increased to finely detect traces witha time line of 30 days .

Implications for Public Health    
The implications to public health practice include point source evaluation confirmation in demographics and topographics , syndromic surveillance that maylead to sentinal surveillance and due diligence , and comparison and contracting research in public health and epidemiology that conciderse environmental variences .

Castello , A ; Navarro, E ; Banon, R & Verdu, F (2008) A Crossroad between Criminalistics and Forensics Toxicology . Internet Scientific Publications .      

Monday, October 16, 2017

DNA damage caused by chemotherapeutic regimens .Whats the differnce in damage caused by mutations ?

An international team led by scientists ar the National Institute of Health is the first to discover a new way that cells form important and dangerous types of DNA damage known as a DNA protein cross link (DPC) . Proteins classified as ZATT has the ability of eliminating DPCs with the help of other proteins (NIH,2017). Since DPCs form when undergoing cancer treatment ; understanding how ZATT along with DPT other proteins work to repair damages caused to DNA structure during cancer treatment is essential in averting said damages . It is fair to note however ; that unlike damages caused to DNA structure by mutations that affect DNA structure  such as 1)duplication 2) nonscence 3) misense 4) insertion   5)framshift ; and 6) deletion ; with deletion being a particularly inciduous form of mutation , these damages are related to treatment process and not a pathological process.

How does it work ?
Researcher Shellenberg explains that often chemotherapeutic drugs  or environmental chemicals block the proteins that allow the structure to retie broken ends   and normalize its allels structure  ; this is largely due to TOP2 which conceals the cut ends within the core of the strand itself ; this is important in reperation because the TOP2 encircles the the DNA strand ; when normal joining of the damaged ends cannot be had permenant damage may occur which in the DNA core ; this in turn  changes the structure all together. This can also be seen as an internal microscopic  scar if you will;  related to chemo and other environmental hazards post  and intra treatment . For this reason This Researcher has stated in the past that securing patient treatment continuum during catastrophic events and natural disasters is so vital to disease prognosis and outcomes .

Implications for Public Health
Unstable TOP2-dpc Complex leads to accumulation of severed DNA that kills cells ;TOP2 remains stuck to the DNA strand hindering its ability to retie itself during chemotherapy and post treatment . The implication of treatment interference , environmental and chemical exposure either through the use of immunomodulators or environmental  hazards must be controlled and monitored when treating a patient with cancer because of the economic burden to the patients ; his or her life expectancy and expectations in remission of pathology , currently a four once of gamma globulin an important derivative of restructuring cells that are transfused to cancer patients can cost up to 60,000 dollars for four ounces; not to mention immunomodulating drugs ; hospital room costs and in many instances job loss and economic bancrupsy from disease diagnosis . Public health  research professionals work in conjunction to Medical researchers to fill in research related knowledge gaps that lead to better treatment outcomes and quality of life

NIH (2017) DNA  damage caused by cancer treatment reversed by ZATT protein . National Institute of Health Retrieved from        

Thursday, October 5, 2017

FHWA Strategic Goal Implementation Areas for Improvemnt to Provide Quality Research :Providing Next Steps Interventions

Strategic Highway Research related to crash causation and which were recently emitted by The National Academies Press state various efforts made to improve the understanding of highway crashes ans the factors that appear to cause them(NAP,2017) . Crash causality has been analized by the ITS program through IVI , and the General Accounting Office as well as some DOTs and a pooled fund study being conducted by south eastern states .
      FHWA Strateic Focus Area II
1- Improve Knowledge of crash causation through collection and analysis of more acurate and complete safety data.
2-Achieve a significant reduction in the number and severity od single vehicle run -off the roads crashes .
3-Achieve a significant reduction in the number and severity of intersection rashes .

The analysis elements of FHWAs safety research program and The Highway Safety Information System performs studies based on data provided by eight state DOTs , NHTSA also performs crash analysis.  The agencies fatality analysis reporting system uses state DOT ,Police , and other data to study fatal crashes ; while the ITS National Automotive Sampling  System looks at various types of crashes using two systems ; 1) The General Estimates System which examines a nationally represented sample of crashes using information from Police reports ; and 2) The Crash worthiness Data System which performs detailed analysis of 5,000 crashes a year supplimenting police reports

When evaluating behavior related to vehicle crash causality we evaluated road rage using reactive and proactive aggression which I detail in previous blogger post. Proactively aggressive conduct includes bullying while Reactive aggression includes poor impulse control ,  toxic emotional responses and outbursts . In evaluating the strategic areas for improvement to determine crash causality it is my contention as a public health professional and as an allied health care provider and researcher that these strategies although very good ; the approach should be in completing the crash worthiness data system and the general estimates system examination with performing a discouse analysis of fatal crash police reports; to analyze emergent trends , patterns and behavior. This analysis will identify emergent aggression often found in road rage behavior and fatal crash causality.


NAP(2017) Strategic  Highway Research .Saving Lives ,Reducing Congestion ,Improving Quality of Life . Committee for a Study for a Future .Strategic Highway Research Program .Transportation Research Board.National Academies Press .

Rain, A (2013) The Anatomy of Violence .The Biological Roots of Crime .