Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Thursday, October 5, 2017

FHWA Strategic Goal Implementation Areas for Improvemnt to Provide Quality Research :Providing Next Steps Interventions

Strategic Highway Research related to crash causation and which were recently emitted by The National Academies Press state various efforts made to improve the understanding of highway crashes ans the factors that appear to cause them(NAP,2017) . Crash causality has been analized by the ITS program through IVI , and the General Accounting Office as well as some DOTs and a pooled fund study being conducted by south eastern states .
      FHWA Strateic Focus Area II
1- Improve Knowledge of crash causation through collection and analysis of more acurate and complete safety data.
2-Achieve a significant reduction in the number and severity od single vehicle run -off the roads crashes .
3-Achieve a significant reduction in the number and severity of intersection rashes .

The analysis elements of FHWAs safety research program and The Highway Safety Information System performs studies based on data provided by eight state DOTs , NHTSA also performs crash analysis.  The agencies fatality analysis reporting system uses state DOT ,Police , and other data to study fatal crashes ; while the ITS National Automotive Sampling  System looks at various types of crashes using two systems ; 1) The General Estimates System which examines a nationally represented sample of crashes using information from Police reports ; and 2) The Crash worthiness Data System which performs detailed analysis of 5,000 crashes a year supplimenting police reports

When evaluating behavior related to vehicle crash causality we evaluated road rage using reactive and proactive aggression which I detail in previous blogger post. Proactively aggressive conduct includes bullying while Reactive aggression includes poor impulse control ,  toxic emotional responses and outbursts . In evaluating the strategic areas for improvement to determine crash causality it is my contention as a public health professional and as an allied health care provider and researcher that these strategies although very good ; the approach should be in completing the crash worthiness data system and the general estimates system examination with performing a discouse analysis of fatal crash police reports; to analyze emergent trends , patterns and behavior. This analysis will identify emergent aggression often found in road rage behavior and fatal crash causality.


NAP(2017) Strategic  Highway Research .Saving Lives ,Reducing Congestion ,Improving Quality of Life . Committee for a Study for a Future .Strategic Highway Research Program .Transportation Research Board.National Academies Press .

Rain, A (2013) The Anatomy of Violence .The Biological Roots of Crime .   

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