Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Using Toxicology to Evaluate Topography with Quick Test .

Biological strains found at a crime scene are basically intended for DNA identification and to perform toxicological testing ; how ever these processes can also provide additional information to the practitioner . Foe example , toxicology testing of urine samples can also be used to differentiate recent pathological strains from older strains , they can also be used to analyze variations in  environmental issues , and can also serve to detect  variations in drug additives (Castello , Navarro, Banon & Verdu ; 2008) . The examination of urine samples in criminalistics is mainly reserved for identification purposes   ; using DNA analysis how ever; in other situations in legal conflict can be used to establish other circumstances that may have occured . One of which are the possible use of toxic material to force the victims of some crimes to yield .

Cases for Evaluation
1- Mistreatment of children and the Elderly
the analysis of urine examines strains that may be found in victims personal items;  and can be utilized to provide  answers with regard to exposure .
2-DFSA or drug fascilitated sexual assault .
traces of drug administered to weaken victims resistance can be detected using urine samples .
3- Missing persons cases
in the case of missing persons urine samples can serve to examine the unfolding of events and their timelines .

As a result , we assert from the above examples in toxicology use;  urine samples which were once  viewed as insignificant and or weak evidence were criminal cases are concerened have now become an aquishable form of sustaining  evidence . Most recently Quick Kit/see TM Multidrug screen panal from bio rad ;introduced into the market serve to provide qualitative immuno essay test for detecting for phenocyclodine , barbiturates , amphetamines and benzodyzapines ; as well as tricyciclic antidepressants  and morphine in urine .
Samples yield traces measured in nanograms which are countermeasured by time line to exposure and which are usually standardized as 7-15 days presence in urine have now been increased to finely detect traces witha time line of 30 days .

Implications for Public Health    
The implications to public health practice include point source evaluation confirmation in demographics and topographics , syndromic surveillance that maylead to sentinal surveillance and due diligence , and comparison and contracting research in public health and epidemiology that conciderse environmental variences .

Castello , A ; Navarro, E ; Banon, R & Verdu, F (2008) A Crossroad between Criminalistics and Forensics Toxicology . Internet Scientific Publications .      

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