Every 9 seconds a woman is physically assaulted in the United States . Yearly 4.8 million domestic violence incidents are reported to public health officials and 25% of our females population are currently victims of domestic violence (RN.org 2017). In addition each year 29 million men experience domestic violence as well .In 2014 1,544 deaths were attributed directly to domestic violence , of these numbers 75% of women and 25% of men were victims. In the year 1995 the financial burden of health care related costs of domestic violence was estimated at 5.8 billion dollars in 2005 that number was increased to 8.3 billion , and today the cost to health care is increasing ; this can also be attributed to opioid abuse . These numbers also reflect 25% of financial burden to lost revenue ; the reason for this is because about 25 to 30 percent of women who are victims of domestic violence work . One in every 8 pregnant women are also victims of domestic violence and in some states ; such as Louisianan were 1 in every 4 pregnant women are victims of domestic violence . The HBM or health belief model is an excellent model that shows promising results in mitigating this public health issue because of its particular componants . When applied to practice ; the practitioner can select specific applications from the model or follow the given sequence ; in addition it has also demonstrated results when applying its methodology to public health practice where program implementation and program evaluation are concerned. In addition to these ; this practitioner believes that when applied to the women in workforce setting it will demonstrate fine results in health prevention and promotion because the models application poses a goodness of fit that serve in practice application and prevention which results in cost effective public health .
RN.org(2017) Domestic Violence .Retrieved from http://www.RN.org
Pearl ,R(2017) Domestic Violence :The Secret Killer that Costs 8.3 Billion Annually .Forbes Magazine.Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites
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