Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Friday, March 23, 2018

Nurse Work Force Violence : Mileu Conciderations and Risk Assessment

Mileu  evaluation were performed during the 1990's by Interior Decorators  in hospital settings to establish and increase patient comfort levels ; during such evaluation issues that decrease patient comfort were identified ; and suggestions that include principles of Interior Design  were implemented to increase patient comfort . Among some of the suggestions implemented were Funcshu to add a comfort level that is becoming to patients , how ever , this is no longer the 1990,s . Nurses across America are  quickly coming to terms with the fact that Work Place Violence is an all to real hazard perhaps because the premise that a hospital mileu are in truth a setting were multiple crisis are addressed   completely escaped the interior designers during the 1990,s.  Statistics related  to Hospital personnel violence;  particularly Nursing Staff are on the rise . Health Care workers in private industries reported non fatal work place violence injuries in 2013 that was more than 67% of the total number in all industries (NIOSH,2017) , although the health care industry employed only 11.5% of all the U.S work force . Many health care workers do not receive  formal training in work place violence prevention and still face assault risks while working close to people n tense and often stressful situations (CDC,2017).

Identifying Aggressive Behavior in Health Care Settings
Identifying aggressive behavior in health care settings includes : Assessment and Tact , for example one of the first signs of aggressive conduct is pacing ; a person who has become agitated tends to pace around the person who has become a target for the dissemination of an aggressive event . Other behavior include lewd and disrespectful comments , heavy breathing , and perceptual disturbances . The hospital setting are not the sole proprieter' s of this epidemic . Nurse who work from such settings as ; 1) Visiting Nurse Services , 2) School Nurse Settings , and 3) Community Health Nurses as well as Nurse Researchers  are at risk for suffering violent attacks .
Nurse researchers have often been confused by people ;when working from a community as social service workers whose aim is to evaluate issues that pertain to social services . This can also be true when engaging in Trans national research settings . For this reason limiting work force violence training to the hospital setting is not effective because nurses work in very distinct and diverse setting   New guidelines need to be in place and think tank are recommended that includes ANA , ICN , and NIOSH to establish laws that are Universal and provide protection from work place violence that include, ergonomics, infrastructure , and aggressor punishment and civil damage attainment .


CDC(2017) NIOSH Sector and Cross Sector Program Supplement 2006- 2017 . Retrieved from http///           


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