Prediction to susceptibility of the condition Multiple Sclerosis may have significant clinical applications ,either as part of a diagnostic algorythem or as a means to identify high risk individuals for prospective studies (De Jager et al 2018) .While this becomes the desire of a researcher ; two outstanding factors related to assessing risk and to clinical assessment have recently been scientifically elucidated that may change the way I which MS or Multiple Sclerosis are both diagnosd and treated in the near future The first overarching factor hat changes the way I which clinicians approach a patient at risk for MS is that Mononucleosis has been recently tied to the development of Multiple Sclerosis . Mononucleosis is a communicable infection hat harbors in the lymphatic system and which affects the nervous system ; this infection has also ben linked to Epstein Barr Virus which also affects the nervous system and causes paralysis. The second overarching factor and perhaps the most relevant is the many clinicians argue the Multiple sclerosis is not a genetic disease ; while scientists argue that it is . Recently the following research were established using CRISPR a promising gene editing tool which may soon be utilized to treat Multiple Sclerosis First lets define exactly what CRISPR is , CRISPR Cas9 defined as Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats is a gene editing modality that was discovered while examining the activity and behavior of microorganisms , their infectious process and the way in which viruses contaminate healthy cells . In order to understand the relationship that Epstein Barr and Multiple Sclerosis h have with the disease manifestation we must remember that Mononucleosis is a virus and that quite possibly it might also be responsible for the development of MS ;because its link to Epstein Barr has already been noted . This must be taken into concideration when assessment of paralysis like conditions are being evaluated . So when we examine the premise that Multiple sclerosis is not a genetic condition we produce the following data : Multiple Sclerosis is a cell mediated autoimmune response which means that the cells respond in a way that does allow for the recognition of cells as proper ;but are being recognized as foreign to the body . The only scientific reasoning for this confusion are invasion of virus which causes such immune response as seen with Epstein Barr and which are likely in MS aswell. ALS which are a similar disease to MS and which are also similar to Epstein bar in their ability to cause paralysis . CRISPR CAS9 technology establishes the following with regards to ALS or Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis : Hexanucleotide repeat expantion in the C90RF72 gene are the most common cause of amytrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia (Nature Genetics ,2018) C9ALS/FTD . The nucleotide -repeat (DPR) proteins , which are aggregation prone and may contribute to neurodegeneration of the myelin sheeth which lines the nerves . CRISPR Cas9 would there for serve to answer questions related to weather MS is genetic in nature and or communicable .
doi: 10.1038/s41588-018-0070-7
O Cooner,P (2008) Multiple Sclerosis :Everything You Need to Know .Firefly Publishing New York USA
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