Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

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Sunday, April 7, 2019

Endangered Plants and Species : Challenges for the Future

The gain in popularity of herbal medicine contributes to global economy ( L Cruz.2019) . Over exploitation of these herbal and medicinal plants create an unsustainable market .forestry and agricultural unsuitability due to accelerated pace of environmental destruction.  This situation threatens conservation and have led to the destruction of over 10.000 plant species from among the 50.000 to 70.000 plants that are known for there medicinal qualities and practices as well as there properties (Luengo & Ariso 2015) . In fact the majority of the medicinal plants at risk are grown in poor countries  and are disappearing among these countries are The Amazonian region and Rain forest Regions . 

Examples of  Endangered Plant Species
1- Ginsing
3-Baldo Peumus Baldus
4-Quima Cinchoa
5- White Nistle

World Conservation and World Wide Fund for Nature Guild lines
The guild lines provide good practice in aromatic plant species .harvesting methods and  farming .The allow for sustainability and species conservation as well as environmental  and public health. 

Example of the Benefits of Plant Species

Corn as a  Major Diuretic
The body is constantly adjusting fluid levels  through a complex system which includes hormone regulation .liquid and electrolyte consumption and even respiration.  These physiological functions allow for the elimination of excess fluid .but when for some reason these mechanisms do not function as well . Corn has been found to behave as a diuretic when consumed which can also serve to adjust liquid and electrolyte level in Dialysis patients . if not contraindicated with potassium levels .

Luengo .M & Ariso .C (2015) Medicinal Plants at Home .more than 100 easy Practical and Efficient Natural Remedies

Cruz .L (2019) Challenges for  the Future .http//www.neopositivisticpublichealth


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