(MRSA ) or what is often referred to as Methecillin Resistant Stapholococcus is an important cause of nosocomial infection world wide (CDC.gov,2017) and although often encountered in hospital settings and clinical settings these Medication resistant infectious strains also develop in community settings and often mimic hospital aquired infections . One such example of what a community aquired infections is pneumonia and or Influenza ; while a nosocomial or hospiital aquired infection can be for example Klebsella , pneumonia or even influenza under the right circumstances and setting . Recent studies suggest that the epidemiology of MRSA may be changing as the isolation of MRSA is no longer limited to hospitalized patients or persons with predisposing risk factors such as primary disease , chronic ailments or poor nutrition. New projects using high throughput whole genome sequencing is beginning to elucidate MRSA revealing how bacteria tend to spread among patient and to continents (Harmon ,K 2000). Scientists would typically sample DNA sequence in six or seven genes across the whole MRSA genome (which contains some 3,000 genes ) . Subtle genetics changes would often go undetected . More rapid whole genome sequencing however; enables researcher to see very descrete differences that occur on the lvel of single nucleotide changes . Why are these subtle changes so important and what do they mean for scientists , epidemiologists and the medical community as a whole ? . Well several years ago in the year 2012 mutations in infectious disease such as Pediculosis or whatis also known as the infamous Lice began mutating ; which became a stupifying problem for parents , teachers , school officials and the scientific and medical community because customary treatments for combating pediculosis where not therapeutic . Like wise subtle genetic differences in staph infections (MRSA ) and other viruses , caused by genetic mutations can cause a problem in treatment , or even death in frail adults , in immune compramised adults and suseptable children because of immature immune system ;or in the very elderly. One over arching differnce to not are that HAI and CAI develop in different settings Hospital Aquired infections are usually of a bacterial nature , and CAI or Community Aquired Infections are usually viruses such as Influenza .
CDC(2017) Emerging Infectious Disease . Retrived from http: ..www.cdc.gov
Harmon. K (2000) Sequencing Staph : New Genetic Analysis Tracks MRSA Mutations . Scientific America
Neo positivistic public health are a scientific concept in the practice of public health that aim to integrate STEAM Education in public health efforts to provide high quality public health services which are based on contemporary innovation .
Issues in Public Health Law
Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives
In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons of guidance that will aid them into transition of young adulthood . Holis...
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Qualitative Research in Formative Measures Assessment :Assuring Student Learning Experience
Action research provides opportunities to engage in qualitative research designs that serve to measure formative assessments in student learning experience which can be modified on a quarterly bases to provide a better learning experence and that analyzes environmental barriers in grade completion ( Med Scape,2017). Action research is a particular research design that enables the formation of interventions that serve to correct and or address critical to course materials in curriculums with; in passing course material ; because action research is cost effective and expeditious in time line the particular designs can effectively solve student problems , forcast issues that serve as factors that cause failure in course curriculum and secure financial stability that enables students to complete educational programs and also assist in work force transitions . The action research cycle is the following (1) Identify the problem and Invision Success (2) Develope a Plan of Action (3) Collect Data (4) Analyze the Data (5) Adjust the The theory and report the results.
Med Scape (2017) Presenting and EvaluatingQualitative Research .Retrieved from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/
Med Scape (2017) Presenting and EvaluatingQualitative Research .Retrieved from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Cyber Security in Remote Patient Monitoring : Risks and Solutions
Information loss and theft is now the most expensive consequence of a cyber crime (Ponemon Institute,2017). Cyber attacks are a reality for all organizations . A global study carried out by the Ponemon Institute reported that 237 companies in 6 countries had been the victim of cyber crime in the year 2016 .The study included 1,278 interviews with company personnel where attack rates where measured as 465 total attacks resulted in over 9.5 million dollars in cost in lost revenue and a 21 % increase in attacks from the year before . But what implications does this have on Institutions responsable for delivering health care from remote locations or what is known as Tele health . Upon analysis and discussions with Tele health Professional Colleagues some of the areas for lost data are Blood Pressure readings , Oxygene saturation , Temperature monitoring and other multiple test monitored and documented in remote assessment . Other areas that may be affected by a sudden loss of data are data collected during continuum of care such as Intake and Output readings , changes in gait , neurological changes and other more intricate physical symptoms related to social and behavioral health . So what can the health professional monitoring a remote person do in this instance ? How can we better secure data and manage documentation to provide quality assurance ?. There are nine characteristics of innovative and cyber secure organizations . Findings reveal the following characteristics that both innovate their operations to meet business objectives and minimize the financial and reputational consequences of a cyber crime . Among some of these are (1) Security Posture (2) Information Management (3) Data Protection , and Detection and Recovery. Companies that continually scale up their data management and recovery efforts fair much better when they integrate strategies in data protection and avert the largest cost impact from cyber crimes which increase dramatically post cyber attack , often to the tune of 39% increase in business loss from disruption . STEAM or Science , Technology , Education , Art , and Mathamatics are an intricate part of public health practice . This is demonstated by the integration of the disiplines in public health and their impact when implemented into prevention and health promotion . Raising the question ? Is a cyber crime commited against a health orgabization or institution or agency a sentinal event ? . Comments can be posted and will be viewed and discussed .
Ponemon (2016) 2016 Cost of Cyber Crime Study & the Risk of Business Innovation. Ponemon Institute .
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