Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Integrating STEAM Education into Public Health Practice

Integrating  STEAM Education into public health Practice

     Integrating STEAM Education into public health practice is an excellent concept that has the promise of implementing interventions that can be transferable to increasing sustainability, particularly in National nutrition quality and resource allocation . An excellent example of how this can be accomplished  can be observed in the following educational strategies recently implemented by NASA . The thermal and fluids analysis work shop encourages knowledge sharing , professional development , and networking throughout the thermal and fluids. The engeenering community with in NASA , academia , and the aerospace community at large can benefit from the program (NASA,2017). Learning about thermal dynamics allows the comprehension of how the human body self regulates its own thermal system to accomidate to environmental thermal dynamics , particularly in climatological changes and how the human body responds to these changes . STEAM faculty and University students are encourage to attend , submit a poster , a paper  and they also offer training . Registration to attend a work shop is free and participants interested in presenting material in the conference through manuscript submission or poster are recieved through May 19th 2017 .

     Interested persons can visit the website . Another very interesting detail in learning about fluid dynamics can be observed in the thermodynamic secundary law which postulates that if a cup of water is placed in the center of a room , the surrounding environmental temperature will influence the temperature of the water and can regulate the waters temperature to reach a balance between them , this is an important  law that can also assist the individual in climate adaptation. These concepts not only assist humans to adapt and comprehend whats occuring in their bodies function as environmental  temperature increase but provide public health tools to implement strategies in health care system that lead to sustainability and quality health care .


NASA (2017) Thermal and Fluids Work Shop  .Retrieved from

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