Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holistic care can serve to ameleortate  physical and mental pain during adolesents development . We cannot deny that teenagers are faced with many challenges in family dinamics and in there immediate environment as well as in the educational setting ; navigating through these challenges in an appropriate and sucsessfull manner can make the difference with regards to becoming an asset to society (Cruz L ,2021 ).  Holistic care can take many forms , often when we mention holistic care in Nursing and in allied health we automatically think of supplemental medicine, and yes thats true, but holictic care  can also be viewed in the perspective of supplimental care that can allow for the successful transition into  young adulthood for many adolesents . 

Staitistics in Adolesent Development   

13 % of the global burdon of disease are found in children between the ages of 15-17 this burdon of disease is directly related to suicide ideation . Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death in adolesents  .50 % of adolesents living on wellfare meet the requirments for  mental illness intervention  ( 2021 Youth Mental Health Disparities Conference NI H , 2021). Covid 19 has exascerbated Child abuse particularly in adolescents in an increase of caese by 34.95% in this past year (American Acedemy of Pediatrics  2021)  . The most often area of trauma caused to adolescents in child abuse cases are in the head and legs  two anatomical structures that are of extreme inportance for successfull transition into adulthood . Youth homelessnes has risen in LQBTQ adolesents .Most teens share the religion of their parents (Stuckler, D & Basmu,S 2021) .  Among children ages 5 and older the number of child abuse victims has tripled to 103% up from an avarage of 36% before the covid 19 pandemic (US News.com2021) .and 9% of all American children are diagnosed with ADHD , many African American teens diagnosed with ADHD commit suicide . 

Jean Piagets  Formal Operational Developmemnatl Stage Characteristics 

From about the age of 12 years old children can  follow the form odf a logical argument without reference to its context . During this time peaople develop the ability to think about absrtact concepts and logically test hypothesis( 2021 ). In this developmenatl stage children think scientifically and logically and form hypothesis about their environments and also form theories to problem silve , in this stage they form ethical conduct  and  morality .

Perspectives in Suplemental care to transition into adulthood 

Recent studies demonstrate that many adolescents abandon vists to church and religious and spiritual gatherings at the age of 13 years (MDI 2021) . Often because they feel that their needs are not being addressed . This I find disturbing as a clinician because by all accounts as stated above in the Formal operational stage in Jean Piagets  Child Developmenat theory at this presise age is where children form ethical and moral behavior . If they abandon church and spiritual and religios gatherings how can they form these important developmenatal tasks to transition into adulthood successfully ? Children need spiritual health to build resiliency that allows them to navigate painlessly into young adulthood . Religious and spiritual health can serve as an elixer in society especially in adolescents . 


Retrieved from http://www.SimplePsycholgy .com/piaget.htmlSimplePsycholgy.

(NIH) 2021 Youth Mental Health Disparities Conference . National Institute of Health .Retrieved from

Bradley ,J (2017) Understanding the differnt forms of child neglect .Rtreaved from

Stuckler,D & Basu, S(2021) What is Emotional Neglect? Retreaved from

American Academy of Pediatrics (2021) Child Abuse Rose During Covid Pandemic . Retrieved from http://www.US /news/health-news/articles/2021 Oct 8th/2021 

Marynoll (2021) Caminando con Jesus Hoy . Misioneros . Retrieved from Revista de los Padres y Hermanos Marynoll . Sep /Oct 2020 Issue . 



Thursday, November 18, 2021

Seasonal Affective Disorder . Detecting differences between Covid grievence, SAD, and the Holiday Blues .

 Research related to SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder has been on the frontlines of mental health research for the past 30 years . Divers research methods implemented throughout these 30 years has lead to the creation of assestment tools that are important ot diagnose seasonal affective disorder and differentiate the disorder from other depressive disorders (Partonen, T 2021) . One such assestment and diagnostic instrument is the SPAQ and the PIDS tool . The SPAQ tool was designed to assess symptoms of seasonal affective disorder related to the four seasons and designates the over lay of symptoms that may be carried from one season to the other . The PIDS is an assestment instrument that diagnoses seasonal affective disorder clinically . We will utilize PIDS in the  essay to contrast the presence of clinical symptoms related to seasonal affective disorder , depression related to bereavment , and Depression related to the Holiday blues which is related to melancholia . The four part screening tool for provisional identification of patients with seasonal affective disorder is endorced by thwe DSM and parallels its criteria with PIDS . 

Signs and Symptoms of SAD or seasonal affective disorder :

1-Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep 2- Feeling tired 3- Trouble concentrating 4-Overeating 5-  Change in social activity 6- Mood Swings 7- Cravings .

The losses associated with covid pandemic are profound . The very term grief  describes emotional , cognitive funtioning and behavioral responses to a loss . When one experiences the loss of a loved one clinitians concider this a life crisis (Psychiatric Times 2021) . Bereavment is a universal phenominon meaning that every one in every country will repond the same to the loss of a loved one . One of the problems with this phenominon is Proloned Grief Disorder which merits the attention of Mental Health Professional PGD may be the cause of the Holiday blues and feeling of melancholia . 

Signs and Symptoms of Grief and Bereavment 

1-    Persistant longing 2-Emotional Pain 3- Blame 4- Emotional Numbness  5-Denial 6-Guilt 7-Anger  8-Sadness .

Meanwhile MDD  a mood disorder not related to grief may be precipitated or exacerbated by meaningful losses including bereavment , particularly during the pandemic and the holidays in people experiencing both actual bereavment and or melancholia during the holidays . MDD is Major depressive disorder that can be brought upon by prolonged grief and or melancholia . The difference in seasonal affective disorder are clinical , these are 1- waight gain 2- craving particular foods 3- Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep  by contrast these  symptoms are absent in clinically diagnosing PGD and MDD  which may lead to Suicidal Ideation .


 Partonen, T & Pandi-Perumal , S.R   (2021) Seasonal Affective Disorder ; Practice and Research .  Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Service.NIH Oxford Press

Clark,A ; Iglewicz , A & Zisook, S(2021) Bereavment and Depression . Psychiatric Times . Retrieved from -and-depression. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Statistics Affecting Homlessness Risk Appraisal

 Behaivior is how we act . Although we all act or behave differently ; sometimes an individual will exhibit behavior that is unacceptable or intolerable(National Safety Council ,2021). Becoming homeless is a crisis . So how can behavior contrivute to the formation of a crisi ? . In this piece we will evaluate just that . Abnormal behavior may be due to a psysiological condition such as illness or to a physical condition . In behaviroal emergencies serveral factors can change a persons behavior : factors may include situational stressors , medical illness , psychiatric problems , alcohol consumption or drug use . 

The following are common reasons for behavior change .

1-Low blood sugar 2- Lack of O2 3- Inadequate blood flow 4-Psychogenic illness 5- Excessive cold 6- Excessive heat .

The events stated above are common causes that may  contribute to behavior change . These are not the normal behavior changes that may contribute to homelessness but are behavioral emergencies . So how does behavior emergencies contribute to homelessness . 

Factors that influence homelessness with regards to behavior and conduct include the following 

1- Emotional injury 2- Aggressive , hostile , and violent behavior  3- Sexual assault 4- Child abuse and neglect 5- Elder abuse  6- Depression . 

In evaluating the data from the paper released in the year 2020 entitled "The State of Homelessness " when compared to behavioral emergencies cited by The National Safety Council and the above mentioned paper we can conclude that both list of items are infact" Behavioral Emergencies" . The difference is that the first list of items are psysical and the second list of items are psycosocial .  

Statistical Data

In January 2020 there were 580,466 people experiencing hoelessness in America. In evaluating the statistical data it was observed that significant variations exist among subgroups which include the following .

Counts and rates by race 

1-White -280,612 2-Blacks -228,796 3- Hispanic -130,348 4-Multiracial- 35,680

Counts and rates by gender 

Males -352,211

Females -223,578


Incredibly 460 did not disclose a gender in particular ?

Native Americans and Pacific Islanders have the highest rates of hoemlessness and 19% of this entire cohort are chronically homeless.  The gay community has low rates of homelessness and Hispanics as well . White americans have the highest rates of homelessness .

So why do we evalaute this data and what does it mean ? . With regards to causality we can assert that behavioral emergencies in psychosocial development aqre a great cause for hoelessness as opposed to ones ability to pay a rent .  This data analysis is important because it permits the opening for the implementation of behavior modification particularly to identify at risk individuals for hoelessness . As a clinician i would correlate behavioral emergencies as co contributers of homelessness when i recieve these patients in office .  In addition another looming behavior emergency that may contribute to homelessness is obesity which has tripled since the year 2015 . This is concerning because in order to work the person must be healthy and if the individual cant work because he or she is morbedly obease or markedly overweight then he cant make rent .


The National Safety Council (2021) First Aid and CPR . 3rd Ed Bartlett Jones Publishing USA 

National Alliance to End Homelessness (2021) State of Homelessness 2020 . Retrieved from

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Suicide in Nurse Personnel . Causes and Findings in Behavioral Health .

 Females nurses are twice as likely to die by suicide than the general population and 70% more likely than female physicians ( Davis et al 2021) .In a cohort study using data collected  form the year 2007 to 2018 that included 2,374 nurses  and 857 physicians  as well as  156,141 individuals in the general population (aged equivalent to 30 years )  demonstrated a suicide incidence rate per 100,000 persons form the year 2007-2018. Among  the cohort were 17.1 % nurses and 10.1 for physicians and 8.6 of women from the general population  ( JAMA, 2021).   For male nurses and physicians were the following data  in the cohort : incidence ratie of 100.000 form the year 2007-2018 31.1 % of male nurses and 31.5% of physicans  , suicide ates for the general population were 32.6 % ( JAMA,2021). 

Findings - Suicide risk for nurses were significantly increased for nuses but not for physicians when compared to the general population. Researcher commentary " The takeaway from the study suggests that the focus were on physians welfare and nurse welfare are ignored as a workforce . There are about three million nurses in the United States of which 85% are female . When we do the math of these 85% of existant female nurses  the risk of suicide are 82% of there total . This is alarming and can be concidered an occupational Health and Safety crisis. The analyzed mortality rate data from the CDC stemming from the year 2007 to 2018 identifyed 2,374 suicides among nurses and 857 suicides among Physicians , as well as 156,141 within the general population .

The study illustrated that the need for high quality health and recreation programs must be implemented into the nurse field of nursing and that we have to re think the disipline . Nurse workforce however are not the only disipline to demonstarte these behavioral issues , another workforce that have demonstarted these types of behavior risks in the past are Fire Fighters  so what are some of the causes ?  

Causes for suicide ideation 

  1- Less autonomy in there work 2- Pandemic 3- Chld care 4-Shift work 5- Personal relationships 6- Reduced staffing .

Nurses are 20 to 30 more likely to be depressed than the general public and half of all suicide among nurses are from self inflicted gun shot . Overdose is more common and pathological evaluation reveled that both physicans and nurses alike had opiotes , benzodiazapines and barbiturates in there system upon the performance of pathological study.  

Greater need for behavioral health awareness among health care professionals is recommended because the most common reasons for behavior change are : a) low blood sugar b) lack of oxygene c) inadequate blood flow to the brain d) head trauma e) mind altering substances f) psychogeneic illness g) excessive cold h) excessive heat . So it is also recommeded that further research and analysis be performed and mear performance appraisals are not cutting it. 


Davis, M.A ; Benjamine,A.Y ; Cher , Friese, C.R (2021) Association of US Nurse and Phjysican Occupation with Risk of Suicide . Journal of Medicine JAMA. USA 

NSC (2021) First Aid and CPR . National Safety Council 3rd ed pg 395 (Behavioral Emergencies ) .


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Revisiting Suicidal Ideation . Where we Stand.

 In  the  year 2020 new interventions with reghards to Suicide Assistance in the United States was established with the implementation and publication of emergency Hot Line ( 988) to address Psychosocial and Behavioral crisis emergencies . The new Hotline three digit number  was published and implemenmted into Public Health  to shorten the length of time it takes for a person with Suicidal Ideation  to  recieve assistance and salvage there lives .  Recently , however new statistics related to suicide ideation and suicide rates  among certain clusters are bothj concerning and quit frankly paradoxical ; perticularly when new Hotline numbers had been implemented in the year 2020 . 

Paradoxical because of the setting and population being identified in this Public Health Blogger . In a serial cross sectional analysis oerformed usingt a sample of 595,237 childbearing individuals one year prematernal and one year post maternal evaluation demonstrated an increase4 in suicide ideation from 0.1% in the year 2006 to 0.5% in the year 2017 . When the study began in the year 2006 there was a cohort of 2,700 persons identified as being pre or post maternal high risk whom demonstrated suicidal ideation ; by the year 2017 there were over 595,237 identified ( Admond et al , 2021) diagnosis of suicidality with co morbid bipolar or psychotic disorders increased from 6.9% per 100 individuals in 2007 to 16.9% per 100 individuals in 2017 . This increase wer found in non- hipanics, black individuals , low income individuals,  and younger individuials .  

There has also been an increase in suicidal ideation among women between the age of 21- 35  and suicide is now increasing among antipartum and post partum females . This is a parodox because at this developmental stage in the females life she is in ReProductive stage not the Extinction of the ReProducer..

Public Health Intervention 

It is obviouse that further public health interventions are necessary to prevent further increase of suicide and suicide ideation among reproductive age females . 988 was not appropriately marketed in thye Unitede States . It is still a viabloe avenue to channel this type of situiation . I propose implementing commercials and providing a preventative marketing ccampaign in the particular settings related to this age group such as Colleges , Transportation , and WIC programs .


Admond,L.K: Dalton,V.K: Kolenic, G.B (2021) Trends in Suicidalioty One Year Befor and After Birth Among Commercially Insured Childbearing Individuals in the United States , 2006-2017. JAMA .

CDC (2021) Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System . Centers for Disease Contyrol .

Friday, May 21, 2021

The Interplay of Hate Crimes and There Effect on Health.

 New York , May 12, 2020. The American Jewish community experienced the highest level of antisemetic incidents since tracking began in 1979 with more than 2,100 acts of assault , vandalism and harrassment . (Anti Defamation League ,2019) . The ADL reports that this is an increase of over 56 %. In a time when many Jewish communities acrosse the country had direct encounters with hate said Jonathan Greenblatt , ADL CEO . This contributed to a rising climate of anxiaty and fear in our communities . Among some of the statistics involved in antisemitic crimes are the following ; ADL  Centers for Etreamism identified  234 incidents targeting Jewish Synagogues and Community Centers in 2019 . This includes a shooting in a Chabad Center in Poway California which killed one worshiper a 60 year old woman and injuring a Rabbi .Some of the major findings from the year 2009 as  per the Antidefamation League  who counted a total of 2,107 antisemetytic incidents across the US  a 12 % increase from 1,879 incidents recorded in 2008  

Three Major Indidents involved in Hate Crimes

1- Harrassment -1,127 for an increase of 6% in 2018 

2- Vandalism - 919 from 746 for an increase of 19% 

3- Assault - 60 incidents for an increase of 56%  .

There where incidents reported in almost every state including Alaska and Hawaii. The state with the highest numbers of incidents were New York with 430 incidents , New Jersey with 345 incidents , California with 330 , Masshachusetts  with 114 and Pennsylvania with 109 incidents ; combined these states account for nearly 45% of the total number of antisemetic Crimes (HEAT MAP ADL .org 2021). Over the last two decades the UNited States has suffered over Ten Thousand religion motivated hate crimes (Feinburg,A  Cambridge Press ) . As a clinician I have evaluated the topic from many angles and several hypothesis have been raised including the identification of motivation and usual actors . Infact authors Wolfgang Frindt and Susan Wettig state in there published paper entitled Old  and New Anti Semetic Attitudes indentify variations in minority targeting . These also vary from state to state as well as world view and motivation leading to believe that new anglees of appraisal in the topic should be observed . The Role of Faith in Health care is important to overcome disease and rehabilitate oneself .  5% of peopple who visit the Emergwecy Room do so because of Spirituaql Distress . It is important for Clinicians to identify victims of hate and torture because these may be identified during physical exam and the patient may still suffer from emotional distress in addition the emotion of hate may be diagnosed using MRI  scans  and appropriate referals  made to Mental Health Professionals for the Victimizer and the victim whom may afflicted with theis type of emotion as a result of victimization . 


Retrived from  (2021) The Role of Faith in Health Care .

Feinburg,A (2019) Perspectives in Politics . Cambridge Press USA  

Robsom D(2021) Hate Circuit Discovered in Brain . New Scientist USA 

Retreaved from www.HEAT MAP

Retrieved from Hate , Extreamism, ,Antisemetism , Terrorism. AntiDEfamation League . USA