Issues in Public Health Law

Adolescents and Child Development : Holistic Care Perspectives

 In todays world adolescents find very few mentors and persons  of  guidance that will aid them  into transition  of young adulthood . Holis...

Monday, February 24, 2020

Medicinal Marijuana in Conjunction with Digital Health :The Future of Public Health Interventions with the Elderly .

Our population is aging . Approximately 75 million Americans will be over the age of 65 by the year 2030 (Everette,2020) .Additionally a 2012 study performed by the Institute of Medicine IOM found that approximately one in five older adults experience mental health illness ;that ratio should it still exist by the year 2030 would equate to 15 million people . This ratio raises several questions for the future of Gerontology and Public Health , The first question that arises is ? What mental health interventions are most efficient in addressing this population , the next question is ? will digital health be an adequate intervention to meet the challenges of our impending future. Digital health is one of the fastest growing segments of the health care industry . There is an incredible demand for more convenient and integrated ways to treat the elder population . Tom Mihalievia :president of Clevland Clinic who is actively deploying a tele health platform to provide  broad access to high activity care services across a rang of medical specialties is on the right track ;and in congruence with President Trump  Administration to provide services to rural areas that would other wise suffer from deficiencies in care and disparities in health care services (Donavan,2020). Another fast approaching demand in Gerontological care is Medicinal Marijuana approved in 20 states and the district of Columbia Medicinal Marijuana is used widely by persons with cronic conditions ,,although there has been little research in the benefits of medicinal marijuana (Harvard Health , 20202) medicinal marijuana in conjunction with digital health can prove to be a combination therapy to address such conditions as Depression ,Cronic substance abuse ,and Anxiety Disorder or GAS . On December 6th 2019 the Trump Administration implemented the Telehealth Resource Center Network to Rural regions of the US ( RUS)  Rural Utilities Services applies Broad Band Services to increase economic development and Medical care is not the exception to this latest public health intervention : infact rural regions are often plagued with discrepancies in care ;particularly continuity of care because of transportation issues  . These interventions are in conjunction with modern technology , cost effectiveness in health care ,and are also in congruence  with HIPPA rules , because they comply with privacy in care ;especially if the client does not wish to disclose his or her condition because of fear of stigmatization .These interventions are very promising within a long term basis they decrease health care expenditures, and at the same time address transportation issues to reduce (No Shows) because of Climate Change , Natural Disasters and Poor Transportation availability at a clinical level. In addition Digital health can assists  person lets say with Paranoid Schizophrenia, Personality Disorder or Bipolarism  who can not leave the home because of feelings of ailment or inadequacy Digital Health serves as a mechanism of outreach to care . In closing Medicinal Marijuana has been proven to reduce secondary effects from Cronic Disease ,Chemotherapy , Suicide and can also serve its therapeutic effect in reducing damages from Mental illness such as changes in brain matter from long standing mental illness . .


 retrieved from http;// .edu /staying healthy/medical -marijuana-know-the -facts Harvard Health Publishing

HRSA(2020) Rural Utilities Services . RUS Rural Utilities Services USA

Nature (2020) Dile Adios a la Depresion Con Cannabis Medicinal . Nature Magazine Puerto Rico

Donavan ,F(2020) Digital Health USA

Everette,F (2020)   Digital Health Institute of Medicine IOM ,